Congratulations Teresa Stone

Congratulations Teresa Stone! We are ecstatic to announce Teresa was selected as a 2023 recipient of the Ohio 4-H Meritorious Service Award! This award is given annually to 4-H adult volunteers for a lifetime of meritorious service.
Teresa will be recognized at the Ohio 4-H Conference in March!

Ohio 4-H Conference Registration Now Open – Due Feb 10

A conference for volunteers and teens is being planned for Saturday, March 11.  The Conference and Luncheon will be held at the Columbus Convention Center.  This conference offers a wide variety of sessions to attend.  The luncheon is attended by all participants and will recognize volunteers for years of volunteer service.  Registrations are due as soon as possible.  The actual deadline is February 10th, however if you want to get your first choice of sessions it is important to register early.  The registration form and conference booklet are attached.  The 4-H Advisory Committee provides funds to cover the registration fee, however a $10 commitment fee is required.

Registration form: O4C Reg Form – Wash Co version

Registration booklet to choose classes: 2023 O4HC Reg Book (Final)

2023 Jr Fair Guide Now Available!

You can stop by the OSU Extension Office and pickup a 2023 Jr Fair Guide or download a pdf here

All advisors, members. and parents can use the Table of Contents to find the activity or exhibition of interest. Livestock and Non-Livestock rules for each of our three fairs, include skillathon requirements, has its own individual section, as oultined in the Table of Contents. Detailed rules for each of our market livestock projects are listed in the guide. Pen Reservation forms for County and Barlow fairs are also included.

2023 Jr Fr Guide – 1-11-23

Thanks Applebees!

Claudette Mercer, Manager at the Marietta Applebees presented Washinton County 4-H a check for $739.10 as a result of last week’s Applebees Together We Care Fundraiser.

Melina Matics and Elizabeth Loughry received the check on behalf of the Washington County 4-H Advisory Committee. Thank you Applebees and everyone that supported the event!!

Counselors Needed for Ohio Military Kids Camps

I would like to invite you to participate in a unique opportunity to be part of a statewide camp counselor team this summer! Ohio Military Kids (OMK) has launched applications for 2023 Camp Kelleys Island! If this is an opportunity you’d like to pursue, please read on and complete the online application links below!

CAMP DATES for 2023:

  • Teen Camp (campers ages 12-15) – July 30-August 3 with mandatory staff training on July 28-30
  • Youth Camp (campers ages 9-11) – August 6-10 with mandatory staff training on August 4-6
  • Optional In-Person Counselor Training: Thursday, June 22, 2023 in Columbus, OH

Keep in mind opportunities for involvement with your local county fairs and the Ohio State Fair this summer. It is possible to be involved as an OMK Camp Counselor and participate in your 4-H activities, but be mindful of your potential involvement in project judging days.

Camp activities include: swimming, archery, crafts, games, snorkeling, kayaking, tie dying, visits from military special guests, large group activities, campfire songs, skits, dances, and so much more! Housing for all staff and campers is traditional cabins with bunks.

If you are interested in applying to be a counselor, please complete the following steps:

Complete an application as a New or Returning Counselor (to Ohio Military Kids)

  • This is open to any 4-H members who are returning as a counselor for OMK or are NEW to being a counselor for OMK. Age eligibility is 15 years and older.
  • Have 2 references completed
  • Send this link to two unrelated adults who can speak to your abilities:


Please let me know if you have any questions! I appreciate the continued enthusiasm and partnership of our 4-H teen leaders with military youth!

Yours in 4-H,

Justin Bower

State 4-H Healthy Living & Ohio Military Kids Extension Educator

2023 Plowboy Prom

The Plowboy Prom is set for March 11 at the Nationwide & Ohio 4-H Center. For those of you unfamiliar with Plowboy, it is an evening of games, dancing, food and fun. It’s a long-standing tradition hosted by Collegiate 4-H for all ages, current 4-H members, alumni and students. Join us and help celebrate our birthday!

Here’s the link to their Facebook page

Planning for the Future of Your Farm

OSU Extension will be hosting a four part “Planning for the Future of Your Farm” webinar series on January 23 and 30 and February 6 and 13, 2023 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. This workshop is designed to help farm families learn strategies and tools to successfully create a succession and estate plan that helps you transfer your farm’s ownership, management, and assets to the next generation.

Topics discussed during this series include: Developing Goals for Estate and Succession; Planning for the Transition of Management; Planning for the Unexpected; Communication and Conflict Management during Farm Transfer; Legal Tools and Strategies; Developing Your Team; Getting Your Affairs in Order; and Selecting an Attorney.

Because of its virtual nature, you can invite your parents, children, and/or grandchildren (regardless of where they live in Ohio or across the United States) to join you as you develop a plan for the future of your family farm.

Pre-registration is required so that a packet of program materials can be mailed in advance to participating families. The registration fee is $75 per farm family.  Electronic copies of the course materials will also be available to all participants. The registration deadline is January 16, 2023.

OSU Extension appreciates the support of the Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association in sponsoring the mailing of these materials.

More information and on-line registration can be obtained at

More information about this program can be obtained by contacting David Marrison at or 740-722-6073.

Program Flyer: 2023PlanningForFutureFarmFlyer-Online

Volunteers: Watch For Your January Mailing

Happy New Year to our 4-H Volunteers! Please watch your mailbox for our annual January mailing. It will include announcements about:

  • 4-H Candy Sale (orders due Jan 26)
  • Club Organizational Paperwork (due Jan 26)
  • Announcement of new 4-H Enrollment Deadline – NOW APRIL 1
  • Ohio 4-H Conference (reg due Feb 10)

Our annual club advisor training will be held face-to-face on the following dates:

  • Thursday, February 16 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm at the Extension Office or
  • Monday, February 20 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm at the Extension Office or
  • Monday, February 20 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm at the Extension Office.
  • Club Volunteer Topics will include: Officer Training Options, Increasing Member Project Completion, County Awards Application, Preparing Members for Project Demonstrations, Livestock project updates, 4HOnline Best Practices, Club Community Service Ideas, Annual Youth Activities & Programs Policy Training.

Cloverbud Club Volunteer Training

  • Tuesday, February 21 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm at the Extension Office
  • Cloverbud Volunteer Topics will include: Cloverbud program goals, opportunities, & resources. Planning meetings and sample activities. Learn about the Cloverbud Engineering Adventures (formerly known as Cloverbot Challenge) and the new Cloverbud Share Fair schedule for July 13. Annual Youth Activities & Program Policy Training.

Registration is limited for each face-to-face session. Register at this link:

ALL club volunteers are REQUIRED TO ATTEND a face-to-face training.


2023 Jr Fair Guide – to be posted Jan 12

The 2023 Washington County Jr Fair Guide is being finalized and will be posted next week on January 12. The guide includes all the livestock and horse rules for showing project animals at the Waterford Community Fair, Washington County Fair, and Barlow Independent Fair.

Winter Shooting Sports Training – Reg due Jan 22

Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Workshop

February 24-26
4-H Camp Ohio 

11461 Camp Ohio Rd. | St. Louisville, Ohio 43071
Workshop Fee: $110

To register go to:

Workshop to train Ohio 4-H volunteers who are interested in serving as shooting sports discipline instructors in their county 4-H programs. Participants must be approved 4-H volunteers in order to participate in workshops. Extension professionals will be contacted to confirm volunteer status. Full participation in the workshop is required. A confirmation email will be sent after registration is submitted.

Disciplines offered at this workshop –  Archery Basic, Coordinator, Crossbow, Hunting & Wildlife, Living History, Pistol, and Rifle **** Just added we have 8 shotgun sports we have just opened. Please note if the shotgun selection does not show up it could be full.

Contact Bruce Zimmer about scholarship funds to cover your registration fee.