SAVE THE DATE! Market Chicken exhibitors will need to pick up their chicks on Thursday July 16th from 3 to 4:30pm at Heritage on Third Street in Marietta. Market Duck exhibitors will pick up on Thursday July 23rd from 3 to 4:30pm. Please mark your calendars and make arrangements for pick up. Please also be aware due to shipping the orders may arrive a day early or a day later so prepare your pens and boxes to pick up your birds early just in case. We will post the week of pick up with details on arrival and social distancing guidelines. If you are in need of supplies or feed and are ordering through Heritage, then please call in your order prior to pick up so they may have your items ready.
Month: June 2020
Extension Office Re-opening!
We are re-opening! The Ohio State University Extension Office of Washington County is currently in the process of physically reopening the office at 202 Davis Ave. Staff members will rotate days in the office to assist visitors. 4-H staff will be in the office on Tuesday and Thursday, Ag staff will be in the office on Monday and Friday.
Staff have adjusted the hours we are open to the following schedule: open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 8:00am-4:30pm, closed on Wednesday. The hours of 8:00am-9:00am have been reserved for high-risk individuals. The office will be closed for lunch each day from 12:00pm-12:30pm. A doorbell is provided to alert staff of visitors.
There are new guidelines for entry into the office, and they are posted on the door, such as visitors must wear a mask and be symptom and exposure free, maintain social distancing, and stay in the areas marked for visitors.
Please call with any questions: 740-376-7431.
We look forward to seeing and serving you in person again!
Hog Tag Announcement
Hog tags for Waterford – 4-H or FFA advisors can contact the OSU Extension Office or continue to contact Chris Campbell with number of tags needed for their club members. The OSU Extension Office is re-opening to the public on June 15.
Hogs must be tagged by July 17
No hog tag-in will be held at the Waterford Fairgrounds.
Due July 19: Pictures of ALL hogs with the tag in the hog’s ear and send it to: include name of exhibitor with hog tag numb
Summer Teen Camp – Students Solving Problems
July 20, 21, and 22, 2020
Students Solving Problems
Summer Teen Camp
A 3-day experience with activities, workshops, and speakers focusing on positive mental health for teens, leadership, & career pathways for medical health, behavioral health, and philanthropy. Activities will include a career panel, scenarios / role playing, community service project, and yoga and other self-care activities.
Incoming Washington County
10th, 11th, & 12th grade students
TBD – If able at BB2C Epicenter,
if not will be held either virtual or hybrid
Approximately 9am – 3pm
Lunch provided if meeting together
Cost: FREE
Thanks to our funders: Washington County Behavioral Health Board, Marietta Community Foundation & the Sisters Health Foundation
Interested: Contact Suzy Zumwalde to be added to the interest list
Communication will follow with location and details
Pressure Canner Testing
Amanda Bohlen will be testing pressure canner lids outside of the Washington County OSU Extension Office June 12th and June 26th from 9 am – 11 am. These will be done by appointment only in order to follow proper social distancing and to ensure proper sanitation procedures are followed.
Click the link to make an appointment.
You can also email Amanda with additional questions
Home canning is a relatively simple process, but many variables can affect your finished product. There are so many resources with unsafe information that it is important to make sure you are following the most recent safe home canning guidelines. One guideline for home canning foods safely is using a pressure canner to process low-acid foods, such as vegetables, meat, poultry, and fish. These low-acid foods must be pressure canned at the recommended time and temperature to destroy Clostridium botulinum, the bacterium that causes botulism food poisoning. Home canning low-acid foods in boiling water canners is absolutely unsafe because 212 degrees F is not high enough to destroy botulinum bacteria.
With good reason, most people have a healthy regard for the possible dangers of pressure canners. Usually this respect is based on an old story of a pressure canner “blowing up” in someone’s grandmother’s kitchen. Regardless, it is important to realize that pressure canners are safe if the safety precautions are followed and the canner is used properly. Dangers arise when the unit isn’t maintained and/or used properly. To make sure your pressure canner is working properly, all dial-gauge pressure canners should be tested for accuracy each year.
County Fair Tag-in June 6
Learn more about plans for the June 6 tag-in from 8-10 a.m. for Dairy Feeders, Market Goats, Market Lambs.
Special Interest Project (Still Project) Judging Announcement
We are faced this year with many challenges because of COVID-19. OSU Extension and the 4-H Advisory Committee have developed a plan to implement a revised strategy for 2020 Special Interest Project Judging.
Washington County 4-H Special Interest Judging Plans
- All Special Interest Projects will be judged at the club level by club advisors for 2020. There will not be a county-wide event on July 16
- There will NOT be county-wide Make-up Project Judging (August 3) offered for 2020
- All members that complete Special Interest Project Judging will receive one $6 Voucher from the 4-H Advisory Committee. The voucher can be redeemed at OSU Extension toward the purchase of 4-H Project Books or applied toward 4-H Camp Registration. One voucher per member.
County Timeline for Special Interest Judging
- June 24 – OSU Extension will mail judging packets to advisors
- July 1 – OSU Extension will post a video for advisor training about club level project judging
- July 1 – OSU Extension will post a video for members about club level project judging
- July 31 – Advisors return Project Judging Completion Rosters due to OSU Extension
- August-Sept – Advisors will receive ribbons for members to exhibit in fair booths
Announcement About Ohio State Fair and Plans for Ohio 4-H Project Showcase
Due to COVID-19 and in alignment with the cancellation of the Ohio State Fair, there will be no 4-H state fair project judging this year. However, we know how important it is to recognize 4-H members for the time and effort in completing their projects. While we are still working on the details, we are excited to announce there will be an Ohio 4-H Project Showcase. All members will be invited to submit a photo of themselves with their 4-H project. These photos will be added to a gallery page on the state 4-H website and we’re working on plans to highlight members in additional ways. We’ll share the information about posting photos by June 15.
Hervida Cabin Replacement Fundraiser Update #2
Are you wanting to make a donation but not comfortable making an online donation? You can write a check and mail it to the campaign.
Please make checks payable to “The Ohio State University”. Include “Camp Hervida – 20977” in the memo line.
Mail checks to:
- Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center
- Attn: Crystal
- 2201 Fred Taylor Drive
- Columbus, OH 43210
Poultry SPIN Club – Registration Limited
We invite youth ages 8-18 to learn about all things poultry! Sessions will cover breeds, basic knowledge, housing, equipment, handing, showmanship, common health concerns, biosecurity, and nutrition. We will take a virtual field trip, learn about careers, and marketing in the poultry industry. The club will meet Mondays and Wednesdays starting on Monday, June 8th – Wednesday, July 1st at 1pm. The cost is free and location is from the comfort of your own home/computer. To register go to Once registered, participants will receive a zoom link for the sessions. Space is limited, and there is no time to waste!
Horse Immunization Deadline Extended
Attention Horse Members. The Washington County Saddle Horse Committee voted this week to extend the deadline for horse immunizations and coggins tests. Horse members will have until July 1, 2020 to turn these papers in to the extension office. Please note that a negative coggins test is required to be done in 2020. The first equine session is scheduled for July 14 and the second session Aug 1st. Members are reminded that they must attend one of these 2 sessions to be eligible to show at fair. For more information call 740-376-7431.