Share your thoughts on cover crops in the National Cover Crop Survey!

Why do you plant cover crops… or why don’t you?

Share your thoughts on cover crops in an online survey at Why do you plant cover crops… or why don’t you? What do you want to know about cover crops? Where do you get your information about them? Your insight will help guide research, communications, seed development, and more.

This National Cover Crop Survey is the seventeenth since 2012 conducted by USDA-NIFA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program, Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC), and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), with the help of Informa/Farm Progress.

Please take a few minutes to contribute your voice at

After completing the questionnaire, you may enter a drawing for one of three $100 Visa gift cards.

Choosing and Evaluating Seed Varieties to Meet your Market Needs: A Grower Panel and Discussion

Growers of organic produce or those interested in organic varieties and production are welcome to join the Ohio Organic Farmer Researcher Network for their monthly online meeting Thursday, January 5 at noon. Denise Natoli Brooks and Matt Kleinhenz will host a small but varied panel of Ohio produce professionals. They will discuss their variety and selection processes and priorities, some of their best and worst experiences, and how their choices relate to marketing, labor, and other concerns. Panelist Q&A will be followed by an open discussion about what motivates us to choose certain seed varieties and how we decide where/how to source them. The primary focus will be on organic vegetable varieties that perform well in Ohio.

Connection details are available at Sign up for reminders and future meeting notices by emailing Cassy Brown. Continue reading Choosing and Evaluating Seed Varieties to Meet your Market Needs: A Grower Panel and Discussion

What is Required Before You Sell Your Field Harvested Seed in Ohio?

This is the time of year we often hear of Ohio producers considering seed harvests of red clover or other crops (e.g. cover crop seed). If the intention is to sell that seed, even if just “across the fence” to a neighbor,  it is important to be reminded there is a permitting process that must be followed before any seed can be sold in order to stay legal with state and federal laws related to seed sales and consumer protection.

Before selling any seed, the seed producer must acquire a permit from the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This permit involves an application and testing a sample of the seed for seed purity and germination. The results of the seed test must be disclosed on a label (seed tag) when the seed is sold.

If the Ohio Department of Agriculture finds any restricted weed seeds in the seed sample, this also must be disclosed on the label, and there are limits to how much restricted weed seed can be present in a seed lot for sale. If there are any prohibited seeds found in the sample, the seed permit will be denied and cannot be sold in that condition. The seed would have to be cleaned and then re-tested to prove the absence of prohibited seeds before a permit would be issued. Continue reading What is Required Before You Sell Your Field Harvested Seed in Ohio?