Author: Wm. Bruce Clevenger, Field Specialist, Farm Management
Registration is now open for the Basics of Grain Marketing Workshop, January 16 & 17, 2025 at the OSU Extension Champaign County Office in Urbana, Ohio. This in-person workshop offers education and farm-ready strategies on topics such as basis, market carry, margins, cash markets, forward and futures contracts, hedge to arrive and basis contracts, differed price, hedging, storage, and overviews on options, spreads, and crop insurance. It’s “more than a 2-day workshop”, featuring pre-workshop activities on calculating grain cost of production and measure of risk comfort. The workshop will include grain marketing basics, applications, and activities, plus a panel of industry professionals. A post-workshop grain marketing peer group will be offered to strengthen learning into action with webinar updates. The workshop has 50 limited seats.
Expert instructors: Seungki Lee, The Ohio State University, Grant Gardner, University of Kentucky, and Ben Brown, University of Missouri. Hotel block rate deadline: December 15, 2024. Workshop registration deadline: January 3, 2025. For more information and registration, visit https://go.osu.edu/grainmarketing
This workshop is possible with the support of grower checkoff dollars via the Ohio Soybean Council and Ohio Corn & Wheat. This workshop is led by Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio State University Farm Financial Management & Policy Institute.