Course Spotlight: ARTSSCI 5194 – Personal Wellness and Mental Health

Developed in conversation with the College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Student Mental Health and Wellness, ARTSSCI 5194: Personal Wellness and Mental Health is a one-credit, distance learning course being offered in Autumn 2021 for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Personal wellness and mental health are important determinants of success. Taught by Professors Jennifer Cheavens and Daniel Strunk from the Department of Psychology, the course will introduce students to a variety of evidence-based strategies for managing stress, warding off and combatting anxiety & depression, and promoting personal wellness. The course aims to provide students a psychological toolkit that they can rely on in facing a wide variety of challenges as they progress through their university experience and into the years that follow.

The skills covered in this class can be helpful to folks across the full spectrum of wellness and mental health. In other words, it isn’t necessary for someone to perceive themselves as being in need of help to benefit from or participate in the class.

ORISE Undergraduate Scholarship: Mental Health Awareness Challenge

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is hosting a hands-on challenge for undergraduate students! The challenge is for students to research healthy habits for good mental health; commit to one healthy habit for 21 days; and develop either an infographic or podcast detailing the research and experience. The infographic or podcast should discuss your healthy habit and why other students should (or should not) use your method to better their own mental health. Your infographic or podcast could win you a $5,000 scholarship!

The deadline for submitting your entry to this competition is Wednesday, March 31, 2021. Winners will be announced in late April.

For more information on this competition, please visit the ORISE website or view the flyer.

Course Spotlight: ARTSSCI 5194 – Personal Wellness and Mental Health

Developed in conversation with the College of Arts and Sciences Committee on Student Mental Health and Wellness, ARTSSCI 5194: Personal Wellness and Mental Health is a new one-credit, distance learning course being offered in the spring for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Taught by Professors Jennifer Cheavens and Daniel Strunk from the Department of Psychology, the course will introduce students to a variety of evidence-based strategies for managing stress, combatting anxiety and depression, and promoting personal wellness. The course aims to provide students a psychological toolkit that they can rely on in facing a wide variety of challenges as they progress through their university experience and into the years that follow