Study Abroad- England

New Study Abroad Course: Travel to London & Cambridge, UK, to study Darwin and his research on evolution!

There is a now study abroad course being offered during the first two weeks of the 2017 summer session, preceded by a 7 week pre-departure course. Students will travel to London & Cambridge, UK, while studying Darwin and evolution. Students will have many opportunities to  visit several museums, tea gardens, and also to sight-see and explore.


There will be an information session Thursday, November 10th from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm in Kuhn House, room 100.

Check out this flyer for information on who to contact and more course details. If this study abroad course sounds like something you would be interested in, please speak with your advisor to determine your ability to complete the course!

Studying abroad is a valuable and exciting part of an undergraduate experience. When pursuing any study abroad opportunity, be sure to check in with an advisor to address any academic or financial implications of a semester abroad. Bon voyage!

Study Abroad in the UK and EU

Have you considered studying abroad? What about this school year?

By Azeira at English Wikipedia (Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

If you are interested in studying sciences in another country then Biology 4798, Scientific Roots in the UK and EU, is for you!  Students will be able to learn during the semester in Columbus about scientific breakthroughs that occurred in England and the EU, and then for spring break take a trip to visit the locations and landmarks associated with those discoveries.  Each student will have research projects including the Royal Society, HMS Endeavour, Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Kew Gardens, and Cambridge University.  There will be a final project where students will get to report and present their findings.

Locations visited over Spring break: London, Cambridge, Lyme Regis, Paris

This is a great opportunity to get started in study abroad, if that is in your plans for the future.  Any opportunity to study abroad is an opportunity to learn more and be enriched by other cultures.  You will get the opportunity to visit both London, England and for the first time Paris, France as well!

IF enough students enroll this course will be offered in the spring.

While in the past this course has focused on Biology, it has been modified to include both Chemistry and Physics.

To find out more about this trip (application, prerequisites, etc…) visit: Scientific Roots in the UK and EU

Have you participated in this study abroad trip before? We’d love to hear about it! Share your study abroad experience in the “Submit a Feature” option in the sidebar so we can feature it on this blog.

Studying abroad is a valuable and exciting part of an undergraduate experience. When pursuing any study abroad opportunity, be sure to check in with an advisor to address any academic or financial implications of a semester abroad. Bon voyage!

Study Abroad Course: Scientific Roots in England

Biology 4000, Scientific Roots in England, will be offered again this Spring 2016 if enough students enroll. This is a great opportunity to get started in study abroad, if that is in your plans.

The course is now more general than biology alone, and several topics in the history of chemistry and physics will be discussed.  The course culminates with  visits to London, Cambridge, and England’s “Jurassic Coast” to see important sites in the history of scientific discovery.   It should be interesting and useful for any “scientist,” and is also a blast!

An information session will be held later in the fall, but if you know you are interested, please contact Dr. John Cogan now at or 614-292-4470.

The application deadline for this program is Oct 1, 2015. The application is available on the website of the Office of International Affairs (

Studying abroad is a valuable and exciting part of an undergraduate experience. When pursuing any study abroad opportunity, be sure to check in with an advisor to address any academic or financial implications of a semester abroad. Bon voyage!

All questions about this study abroad program should be directed to:
Dr. John G. Cogan
Auxiliary Assistant Professor
Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Arts and Sciences
(614) 292-4470