Science & Engineering Leadership Initiative (SELI)

The University of Delaware’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is receiving applications for their Research for Undergraduates (REU) program: the Science and Engineering Leadership Initiative (SELI). The program runs from June 8, 2020 to August 14, 2020 at the University of Delaware, and applications will be accepted until February 1, 2020.

The SELI is motivated by the realization that people with disabilities are significantly underrepresented in STEM disciplines and aims to provide these students with research and community building experiences tailored to fostering success in graduate school and beyond. The REU program is open to all undergraduate students with disabilities (mobility, sensory, learning, psychological, medical, or other) who are majors in chemistry, biochemistry, or other related fields. Some highlights of the program include:

  • Participate in state-of-the-art research
  • Meet like-minded peers
  • Scientific field trips
  • Unique mentoring for graduate school/STEM careers
  • Networking opportunities
  • Stipend and housing provided for the 9-week program
  • Present your work at the University of Delaware 2o2o Undergraduate Research and Service Learning Symposium
  • Opportunity to present research results at the Spring 2020 American Chemical Society National Meeting

For more information about the program, you can visit the program website here. Applications are due February 1, 2020 and can be found here.

Want to jump start your search for the right research program? Check out this listing of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students.

Science & Engineering Leadership Initiative (SELI)

The University of Delaware is now accepting applications for their Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program – the Science and Engineering Leadership Initiative.

Motivated by the realization that people with disabilities are significantly underrepresented in STEM disciplines, UD’s REU program is unique in that they are focusing on providing students with disabilities a research and community building experience tailored to fostering success in graduate school and beyond.

The program is scheduled from June 10, 2019 to August 9, 2019 at the University of Delaware in Newark, Deleware. A stipend and housing are provided for the 9-week program.

The REU program is open to all undergraduate students with disabilities (mobility, sensory, learning, psychological, medical, or other) who are majors in chemistry, biochemistry, or other related fields.

More information can be found on the official flyer and the program’s webpage. The application deadline is February 1, 2019.

Want to jump start your search for the right research program? Check out this listing of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students.

Job Opportunity for Pre-Health Students

Ohio At Home is currently seeking to hire new Patient Care Assistants from OSU students working towards a career in healthcare or human services, as this line of work most directly relates to their goals and can serve as a great opportunity to gain hours of patient care experience and develop a network of colleagues and professional references.

Ohio At Home is a home healthcare agency that employs primarily Ohio State students and provides direct care services to individuals with developmental disabilities in central Ohio. Their agency supports clients ranging from children with autism to adults with paraplegia/quadriplegia.

The role of Patient Care Assistant involves tasks of daily living, behavioral and emotional support, community involvement and direct patient care. Key traits for a successful Patient Care Assistant are patience, kindness, teamwork, a passion for service, and an eagerness to learn.

Although Ohio At Home’s PCA staff is primarily comprised of pre-health students, all majors and areas of interest are invited to apply. Scheduling is based on the university semester system and can accommodate academic and extracurricular commitments. Past patient care experience is not required to apply, but those with experience are also encouraged.

More information can be found on this flyer. To apply, send your resume and availability

2019 University of Delaware Summer REU Program

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Application Deadline: February 1, 2019

The University of Delaware, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, is excited to announce a NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program – the Science and Engineering Leadership Initiative. Motivate by the realization that people with disabilities are significantly underrepresented in STEM disciplines, SELI strives to position today’s students with disabilities to become tomorrow’s leaders in academia and industry.

More information and the online application are available.

Want to jump start your search for the right research program? Check out this listing of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students.

Science & Engineering Leadership Initiative

The University of Delaware is now accepting applications for their Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program – the Science and Engineering Leadership Initiative.

Motivated by the realization that people with disabilities are significantly underrepresented in STEM disciplines, UD’s REU program is unique in that they are focusing on providing students with disabilities a research and community building experience tailored to fostering success in graduate school and beyond.

The program is scheduled from June 4, 2018 to August 10, 2018 at the University of Delaware in Newark, Deleware. A stipend and housing are provided for the 10-week program.

The REU program is open to all undergraduate students with disabilities (mobility, sensory, learning, psychological, medical, or other) who are majors in chemistry, biochemistry, or other related fields.

More information can be found on the official flyer and the program’s webpage. The application deadline is February 1, 2018.

Image result for university of delaware

Want to jump start your search for the right research program? Check out this listing of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students.