Cancer-focused Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Case Western’s Cancer-focused Undergraduate Research (CanSUR) program is now accepting applications. This is a summer, undergraduate program which will give 32 students the opportunity to work with Case Comprehensive Cancer Center (CaseCCC) researchers during a 10 week period.

This program will prepare undergraduates for careers in cancer research, providing training in subjects such as:

  • Cancer Genetics
  • Cancer Cell Signaling
  • Experimental Therapeutics
  • Cancer Prevention and Epidemiology

The program also includes:

  • Hands on research
  • Interactive cancer research lectures
  • An opportunity to present project at CanSUR Scholar Symposium
  • $4,000 stipend and potential housing/travel allowance

The deadline to apply is January 14, 2022. A flyer can be found here with more information. More details, as well as the application portal can be found on their website.