Summer Research at Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University is now accepting applications for their Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering during summer 2020. The program is run by the Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscience and Engineering (VINSE) and focuses on interdisciplinary nanoscale research at the interface of chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering.

The program includes hands-on research in state-of-the-art facilities, group social activities and a banquet for participants, optional outreach opportunities to high school students, and various seminars, workshops, and field trips. Participants will also have the opportunity to work directly with VINSE faculty members and their research groups. A $5000 stipend is awarded to participants with a $500 travel allowance along with room and board.

The application deadline is February 5th.

To learn more information about the program and to apply online, you can visit their website here. All stages of undergraduates, as well as minorities and women, are strongly encouraged to apply.

Want to jump start your search for the right research program? Check out this listing of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students.