TA Opportunities At OSU

If you are interested in becoming a TA  for Autumn 2018? Two departments here at OSU are currently hiring!

The Math Department relies on students to staff the TA sections of pre-calculus and algebra courses. Undergrad Math TAs currently receive a stipend of at least $4920 per semester for approximately 20 hours of work per week. Duties include teaching recitations, grading, holding office hours, and tutoring.

If you have:

1) Excellent communication skills,

2) An interest in teaching,

3) At least one post-calculus math course, and

4) Undergraduate student status at OSU

You are  eligible to apply for a teaching associateship in Math that begins Autumn Semester, 2018.

Interested students can pick up applications from the Math Tower receptionist or can contact John Lewis (300 Math Tower or lewis.361@osu.edu) for more information.

Applications are available from now until March 2 from the receptionist in the Math Tower. Decisions on hiring will be made by the end of Spring Semester. For more information see the department website, http://www.math.osu.edu/about-us/jobs


  The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department is also hiring TAs! Qualified students MUST have completed Chemistry 1920 / 1620 / 1220 and preference is given to seniors, juniors, and Chemistry majors.If you are interested in becoming a TA in Chemistry , check out the Work for CBC section under the Opportunities tab on this blog or click here.