Just a reminder to all 4-H Volunteers, the annual Child Abuse & Neglect Training must be completed by Monday, April 16.
Click on the link below to download the training fact sheet and response questions.
OSU Extension in Washington County will be starting a new 4-H robotics club for youth. The club will offer two levels of participation including 4-H Club membership for youth in grades 5 thru 12 and a competitive FIRST (For Recognition and Inspiration of Science and Technology) Tech Challenge Team for teens ages 12-18.
A kick-off meeting will be held Monday, March 19 at the OSU Extension Office on 202 Davis Avenue starting at 6:30 pm. 4-H offers two robotics projects using LEGO EV3 technology. Members will learn about robotic basics, steps to build a robot, how to use robotic sensors, and how to program a robot to complete various tasks.
“This kick-off is an opportunity for families to find out what the 4-H Robotics program is all about,” said Bruce Zimmer, Extension Educator with Ohio State University Extension. “The program is a chance for youth to have fun with Lego robots, all while learning valuable life skills like teamwork, communication, and problem solving. We have a new 4-H volunteer, John Smith that will be spearheading the new club. John is a retired computer consultant with a desire to teach robotics.”
The goal of the FIRST team is to take the fundamental of robotics covered in the 4-H Robotics projects to the next level using industrial-grade hardware, and Java programming on Android devices. Like many of today’s high-tech areas, designing and building robots combines multiple disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, and software engineering. FIRST gives students the opportunity to acquire and develop additional non-technical skills such marketing, finance, business and brand-image management.
Each year a different game design encourages FIRST teams to scout the competition, design a specialized robot, and develop a playbook of game strategies. Successful teams can advance from local, to state, to national, and international championships
Volunteer coaches are needed to assist youth in developing their own knowledge and problem solving skills. The new club and team can use both technical (engineering, programming, science, math) and non-technical (business, finance, fundraising, communications) mentors. No experience with robotics is required for either students or adults.
The club will meet a minimum of eight times during April thru July. Contact OSU Extension at 740-376-7431 for further details. If there is sufficient interest and commitment by area students and adults, an FTC team would be formed for the upcoming 2018-19 season. The competitive season runs from September to April. More information can be found at firstinspires.org/robotics/ftc or smithspace.org.
Join us on Saturday February 3, 2018 at the Marietta JOANN Fabric and Crafts (448 Pike Street) to hand make Valentine’s Day cards to share with local residents in our community. Joann’s is partnering with local 4-H clubs to bring more hands on programming to local youth across the nation. During the month of February you can support the 4-H program through the JOANN Paper Clover Campaign. Visit our local JOANN store between February 1 and February 28 and purchase a $1 or $4 Valentine’s edition of the popular paper clover. With the $4 Paper Clover, customers will also receive a coupon for $4 off their next purchase. All funds collected go directly back to the 4-H program. Help our local county share their hearts and spread more love throughout the community.
Hey, 4-H Advisors – we’re going to the dogs! On Saturday, Feb. 3, the State 4-H Dog Advisory Committee is hosting a 4-H Dog Advisory Training from 10 a.m.-3:45 p.m. This training is for any 4-H advisor who has one or more youth taking dog projects in his/her club, regardless of whether the club is a general project club or a dogs-only project club.
Thanks to a grant from the Ohio 4-H Foundation, ONE advisor per county is invited to attend this training for FREE. Advisors interested in attending should contact their county Extension office. They will designate which advisor may attend for free; Registration for other advisors is $20.00 per person.
Registrations must be postmarked by Friday, January 19.
REgistration and details at https://ohio4h.org/…/animal-sciences/dog/dog-calendar-events