Are you a teen/young adult that will be age 14 by the end of June and looking for something new and fun to do over the summer? Do you want to volunteer with a great program and work with kids? Becoming a 4-H Camp Counselor might be just for you.
OSU Extension is looking for teens and college students to serve as camp counselors for each of these camps. Teens can help with one or all four (based on age)
∙ Junior Camp at Camp Hervida – June 23-27
∙ Cloverbud Day Camp at Camp Hervida – June 30
∙ Beginner Camp at Camp Hervida – July 1-2
∙ Senior Camp at Camp Hervida – July 7-11
Online Application, Reference Link and Interview Signups can be found at this link:
The online application includes questions about your interest to be a camp counselor, which camps you want to counsel, activities you want to help with, etc. The online application requires you and a parent/guardian to sign a code of conduct.
Applications are due by February 28. Questions about serving as a 4-H Camp Counselor can be directed to our Summer Camp Director, Martha Webster at, 740-350-7585 or the Extension Office at 740-376-7431