4-H Camp Counselor Apps Due – Feb 28

Are you a teen/young adult that will be age 14 by the end of June and looking for something new and fun to do over the summer? Do you want to volunteer with a great program and work with kids? Becoming a 4-H Camp Counselor might be just for you.

OSU Extension is looking for teens and college students to serve as camp counselors for each of these camps. Teens can help with one or all four (based on age)

 Junior Camp at Camp Hervida – June 23-27

 Cloverbud Day Camp at Camp Hervida – June 30

 Beginner Camp at Camp Hervida – July 1-2

 Senior Camp at Camp Hervida    – July 7-11

Online Application, Reference Link and Interview Signups can be found at this link: 



The online application includes questions about your interest to be a camp counselor, which camps you want to counsel, activities you want to help with, etc. The online application requires you and a parent/guardian to sign a code of conduct.


Applications are due by February 28. Questions about serving as a 4-H Camp Counselor can be directed to our Summer Camp Director, Martha Webster at marthaw09@gmail.com, 740-350-7585 or the Extension Office at 740-376-7431

Ohio Leadership Camp Needing Counselors

Applications for 2025 Leadership Camp counselors are now available and due March 24! This opportunity is open to individuals ages 18+ by June 1, 2025, who have an interest, confidence, and ability in teaching and facilitating leadership skill development to teen campers AND are excited about doing so in a camp setting. Applicants are required to fully attend staff training dates (May 9-11 and May 31) and camp (June 1-5), all held at 4-H Camp Ohio. Learn more and find links to apply at go.osu.edu/leadershipcamp!

State TLC Apps for Teens Due August 9

Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) applications for the 2024-25 year are now available and can be found on our website at go.osu.edu/TLC! Please let any interested individual know so they may apply. Please note, because it is only a one year term, current TLC members who wish to continue their service must re-apply. NEW THIS YEAR: Every member will select a committee to join that is based on a program in Ohio 4-H (STEM, Healthy Living, College and Career Readiness, Civic Engagement, and Animal Science) – they will be working closer with design teams to help review and provide feedback to programming as well as creating new programs and resources and advocating for that program and project area – see attached graphic for more details.

Applications and more information about the group can be found online at: go.osu.edu/TLC. Please note: applications (and other materials, including letters of recommendation and program fees) are due by Friday, August 9, 2024.   The term for selected individuals will be September 1, 2024-August 31, 2025.

4-H Event Youth Assistant Application Available (State Level Experience)

4-H Event Youth Assistant (4HEYA) applications are now available! This is an opportunity for teens 13-18 as of January 1 to get a short-term experience at the state level. Applications are available at go.osu.edu/4HEYAapp and are due by May 15, 2024.

Here is a basic overview of the opportunity:

  • What: 4-H Event Youth Assistant (4HEYA)
  • Who: Individuals age 13-18 (as of January 1 of the year of application) and have at least 1 year prior 4-H experience.
  • Timeframe: Apply by May 15, selection, training, service to OSF, and evaluation. Complete responsibilities by August 31, 2024.
  • Requirements (in addition to application/selection process):
    • Training – Must attend one of the options for training (July 10 or July 18)
      • Please note: individuals MUST attend one of the training options. This is not negotiable. If you know you are unable to attend a training option before applying, it is best to wait another year before applying to serve in this capacity.
    • Events – Must work a minimum of 3 events at the Ohio State Fair; may work more if desired
  • Program Fee: $25/person (paid at go.osu.edu/4HEYA25);
  • Teens Receive:
    • 4HEYA Polo & Nametag
    • State Fair admission, parking ticket, and meal ticket(s)
    • Optional State Fair housing in the Rhodes Center (if desired)
    • Experience of working events at the Ohio State Fair
    • Opportunity to enhance leadership skills and be involved in the State 4-H program
  • What about the Teen Leadership Council? YES, these members may apply for 4HEYA AND TLC this year, if desired. TLC applications will be available in June and will be due the Friday following the Ohio State fair. Their term is September 1, 2024-August 31, 2025. Current TLC members are not eligible to apply for 4HEYA, as they are already fulfilling obligations at the Ohio State Fair.
  • Questions? Contact Frances (foos.61@osu.edu) or Sara (Deakin.5@osu.edu)

4-H Advisory Committee Seeking Teen Members

Are you a teen at least 14 years old and would like to put your leadership skills into practice? The Washington County 4-H Advisory Committee is looking for teens that would like to be youth representatives and serve a one year term.

The committee meets the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 at the Extension Office. Remaining 2024 meeting dates: March 5, May 7, June 4, Oct 1, Nov 7

Hey Teens! – Ohio Looking for National Delegates

National 4-H Conference Delegates

  • National 4-H Conference is specifically focused on civic engagement, civic education, and personal development. Delegates arrive ready to connect, learn, engage, lead, and impact their communities, their nation, and their world.
  • Open to teens 15-19 years old who are actively engaged in 4-H programs
  • Date of Conference: April 18-24, 2024 in Washington, D.C. (Ohio delegates arrive a day early on April 18. Conference begins April 19).
  • Application Deadline: December 1, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. (applicants must be 15-18 as of 1/1/24 and currently enrolled as an Ohio 4-H member). See the attached document for the example application, and then be sure to apply via Qualtrics: https://go.osu.edu/N4HCapp
  • For more information, visit https://go.osu.edu/N4HC
  • Washington County has been represented the past two year: 2023-Emma Poulton, 2022-Melina Matics

Carving New Ideas – for Teens

Carving New Ideas is a camping opportunity for older youth, concentrating on the principles of critical thinking and program facilitation. It is hosted by Collegiate 4-H at The Ohio State University and the college students, who are also 4-H alumni, are preparing all of the fun activities for the weekend of November 17-19, 2023.

The registration website is https://go.osu.edu/23CNI or share the attached poster. The online registration allows credit cards or checks.

Deadline to register is October 25 or until cabins are full.

The Washington County 4-H Advisory Committee has funds to support local teens wanting to attend. Contact Bruce Zimmer for more information on these funds: zimmer.2@osu.edu

Work Ethic Certification

Ohio 4-H Pathways to the Future is partnering with the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, the Charles Koch Foundation, Koch Industries, and WSU Tech to support the national expansion of a work ethic certification for high school students based on the mikeroweWORKS Foundation’s work ethic curriculum.

This program, known as the MRW Work Ethic Certification, is an extension of the mikeroweWORKS Foundation’s S.W.E.A.T. Pledge and examines the importance of work ethic, personal responsibility, delayed gratification, and a positive attitude. Students who successfully complete the program will receive an industry-recognized certificate.

Ohio is one of the first 4-H programs to offer this opportunity to high school students in the nation! However, it didn’t start there. Since 2021, The Ohio State University ATI was among the first 20 colleges in the nation to offer the Work Ethic Certification, and the first in Ohio.

To learn more about the MRW Work Ethic Certification, https://go.osu.edu/mrwworkethic.

The MRW Work Ethic Certification focuses on the 12 statements of the S.W.E.A.T. Pledge. Each statement has a story, and each story comes from Mike’s personal experience working with entrepreneurs and hardworking people across the country. Through this program, we break down the origin of each statement in 12 lessons and explore why we believe every student and worker can benefit from embracing this pledge, regardless of their job or skill set.

Washington County Interstate Exchange Club hosts 4-H teens from North Carolina

The Washington County Interstate Exchange members and advisors have been fundraising, organizing and planning to host 4-H teens from North Carolina.  The last week of June was filled with activities, tours, and fun as local 4-H members planned for the arrival of 4 teens and 2 advisors from Nash County North Carolina.  The group kicked off their week with a welcome picnic and backyard games.  The group then traveled to the Flight 93 memorial, Ziplining, Amish Country, Tullius Cattle Farm, and Jukebox Pizza.  Next the group enjoyed a tour of Sewah Studios, the Multicultural Genealogical Center, Old Man’s cave, historic Downtown Marietta and Blennerhasset Island.  Everyone had a blast and although the North Carolina group has returned home, this exchange could not be possible without the support of local businesses and individuals.  The interstate exchange is thankful for the generosity of those who donated local items for goodie bags, offered an extra treat when visiting their dining establishment, and those who gave educational tours of their businesses.  The club is excited to share these opportunities with other teens in the area looking to learn and travel the US to experience cultures in other states.  They would also like to thank Bridgeport Equipment and Tools, Heritage Country Store, Jeremiahs Coffee House, Jukebox Pizza, Sewah Studios, the Multi Cultural Genealogical Center and Florence Creamery for the support throughout the week.  A special thank you to all the 4-H families and members who hosted the group throughout the week and the Washington County Advisory Committee for their support.  If you would like to join the club and learn where they travel next please contact our office or Ellie Tullius, advisor.