The 2022 Washington County Junior Fair royalty competition was held on Monday, August 15, 2022 at the Ohio State University Extension Office. Royalty candidates participated in an individual interview with three panel judges and a public speaking event. There are 12 candidates for 2022 Washington County Junior Fair contest. Youth are vying for queen, king, prince, princess, and horse princess.
The royalty court will attend the coronation ceremony on Thursday August 18, 2022 at 5:00pm at the Waterford Community Fair. The 2021 reigning Queen, Melina Matics will serve as emcees for the evening. The coronation ceremony will begin with introduction of each of the candidates followed by a farewell speech from Matics. The crowing of the Queen and her court will follow.
The following individuals are running for 2022 Queen: Morgan Antill, age 17 of Beverly is the daughter of Rusty & Missy Antill. Morgan is a recent graduate of Waterford High School and is a member of Waterford FFA and Running Wild 4-H Club. Josie Burke, age 16 of Waterford Ohio. Josie is the daughter of Donald & Shawna Burke and attends Waterford High School and Washington State Community College. She is a member of Running Wild 4-H Club 4-H Club and Waterford FFA. Holly Schlarman is 17 and a recent graduate of Frontier High School. Her parents are Joe & Mary Jo Schlarman of New Matamoras and she is a member of Frontier Country 4-H Club and Frontier FFA. Kenzie Smith is the daughter of Brad & LeeAndra Smith of Marietta. She is 17 and a member of the Oak Grove Explorers 4-H Club and Bulls Eye 4-H Club and she attends Marietta High School and the Washington County Career Center.
The 2022 King Candidate is Travis Morris of New Matamoras. He is the son of Thomas Morris and Colleen Michaels. Travis is 16 and home schooled as well as member of Fur and Feather and Bull’s Eye 4-H Clubs.
The Jr Fair Prince candidate is Steven Anderson and the son of Paul and Petina Anderson of Marietta. Steven is 15 and will be a junior at Warren High School and the Washington County Career Center. He is a member of the Warren FFA and Fur and Feather 4-H Club.
There are five Junior Princess candidates including Trinity Bailey. Trinity will be a eighth grader at Fort Frye High School. She is the daughter of Charity and Jeremiah Clutter and a member of the Fur and Feather 4-H Club. Madison Biehl age 14 of Marietta is the daughter of Dan & Erica Mason and Scott & Jennifer Biehl. She is a Sophomore at Warren Local and is a member of Warren Wranglers 4-H Club and Warren FFA. McKensie Mason, age 12 is the daughter of Dean & Misty Mason of Marietta. She is an 8th grader at Warren Middle School and a member of the Running Wild 4-H Club and Bullseye 4-H Club. Alexis Smith of Marietta and a member of the Woodsfield Roadsters 4-H Club. She is the 13-year-old daughter of Johnna Wells and Brandon Smith and an eighth grader at Marietta High School. Katelynn Valandingham is the daughter of Amanda Valandingham of Waterford and attends Waterford High School as a ninth grader. She is a member of the Churchtown Shining Stars 4-H Club.
Madison Starkey is the Horse Princess candidate and attends Marietta High School. Madison, age 12 of Marietta is the daughter of Matt & Kristi Starkey and she is a member of the Trail Blazers 4-H Club.