Carving New Ideas Weekend

Each year, Collegiate 4-H at The Ohio State University organizes a weekend workshop called Carving New Ideas (CNI). It is held at 4-H Camp Ohio November 22-24 and is open to all teen 4-H members across the state. Please consider sharing this opportunity in your newsletters and on social media. It’s a fun weekend for teens to get to interact with college students who serve as the organizers, camp counselors, and session facilitators. (Franklin County staff and volunteers provide the administrative details, risk management, nursing services, and food preparation for the weekend.)

Families can register their teens themselves with the online registration and pay by credit card. If your county would like to send youth to the camp and pay by check or fund transfer, that is an option also. Youth just need to check the box that the county is providing a scholarship for them when they register themselves. You just need to let us know which youth to look out for as registrations come in. A flyer is attached, and the registration link can be found at

Registration is due by Oct 31

The Washington County 4-H Advisory Committee budgets $150 help youth cover registration expenses.

Ohio Farm Bureau ExploreAg Camp

Ohio Farm Bureau Federation is pleased to announce we will be hosting two free ExploreAg Camp experiences this fall!

If you know of any students who would be interested in applying, please encourage them to do so by Sept. 30.

ExploreAg Overview

  • Purpose: Discover careers linked to agriculture and related STEM fields through a series of immersive and hands-on experiences and tours.
  • Who: Ohio students entering grades 9-12 in the fall, or recent high school graduates.
  • Cost: Free 

Learn more and apply by Sept. 30 at

2024 ExploreAg Fall Sessions

  • Oct. 11, COLT Electric Lineman Training, Mt. Gilead
  • Nov. 1, OSU Columbus Campus

ExploreAg is Ohio Farm Bureau’s signature ag literacy and workforce development program, offering free week, multi-day and day-long immersion programs for high school students. In ExploreAg, teens learn about agriculture and related STEM fields from industry experts, scientists and educators.

Questions or concerns? Contact

State TLC Apps for Teens Due August 9

Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) applications for the 2024-25 year are now available and can be found on our website at! Please let any interested individual know so they may apply. Please note, because it is only a one year term, current TLC members who wish to continue their service must re-apply. NEW THIS YEAR: Every member will select a committee to join that is based on a program in Ohio 4-H (STEM, Healthy Living, College and Career Readiness, Civic Engagement, and Animal Science) – they will be working closer with design teams to help review and provide feedback to programming as well as creating new programs and resources and advocating for that program and project area – see attached graphic for more details.

Applications and more information about the group can be found online at: Please note: applications (and other materials, including letters of recommendation and program fees) are due by Friday, August 9, 2024.   The term for selected individuals will be September 1, 2024-August 31, 2025.

Making Food at Home to Sell – Virtual Series

Nicole Arnold, Food Safety Field Specialist, and team (Katie Stolte-Carroll, previous Ohio Dept of Ag inspector; Emily Marrison, Assistant Professor) will host the sessions to engage with new and experienced home-based food producers. Each Q&A will briefly introduce various topics and allow plenty of time for discussion and specific questions.

This activity is taking place on behalf of a USDA NIFA Food Safety Outreach Training grant supporting the safety and regulatory components of cottage foods and home bakery products (i.e., foods that can be produced in home kitchens and sold to the public).

Register here:

Each virtual Q&A session will begin with a 5–10-minute presentation.

You do not need to come prepared with questions. Feel free to drop in to listen!

*Please note that these virtual Q&As solely pertain to foods approved to be made at home (in Ohio) with the intention to sell them (e.g., cottage foods and home bakery products).

The virtual Q&A sessions are taking place once a month on Thursdays from 12 pm – 1 pm:

July 25 – What foods can be home-produced?

Aug. 29 – Who is a home baker or cottage food producer?

Sept. 26 – Where can I sell my products?

Oct. 31 – When should I reach out for help?

Nov. 14 – Holiday food production

Monroe County Multi-specie Clinic – June 29

A multi-species animal clinic we held in Monroe County on June 29th. This is a nice event that offers hands-on practice and grooming demonstrations as well as many great door prize giveaways. They welcome participation from other counties, so please share the flier with your members or on your social media accounts.

Clinics Include:

  • Beef
  • Sheep
  • Goats
  • Swine
  • Poultry
  • Rabbits

Teens and Young Adults Wanted for Research Study

Amy Ferketich faculty member in the OSU College of Public Health who is working on the Health, Tobacco, and Young People’s Environments (H-Type) study that will involve conducting online focus groups with youth and young adults to explore health-related questions.

They are interested in talking to youth from rural counties in Ohio. Scan the QR code and learn more about how you can participate. Here is the direct link to:

Avian Bowl, Poultry Judging, and Livestock Judging

The rules and entry forms are officially posted for the 2024 Avian Bowl, Poultry Judging, and Livestock Judging contests. Please visit our website for all of the up-to-date information. Please forward this information to anyone who may be interested. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out!

Older Youth Beef Production Field Day

For youth 14 and older, this will be a unique opportunity to learn about the beef industry. We will have a hands-on day walking youth through the beef production cycle focusing on cow-calf management.

Parents are welcome, as we have a tour scheduled in the morning of the ATI and CFAES Wooster campus with admissions staff.

For registration visit:

Registration Deadline – June 7, 2024

Cost: Youth $30, Parents $15. Lunch Included.Limited to first 30 Youth Registrations.