Washington County Fair Activities

Cake Decorating Contest
Saturday, 5:00 pm, Jr. Fair Building

* There are categories for cupcakes, traditional cakes, and specialty cakes.
* Entries are to be made one hour before the event at the 4-H Jr. Fair Board Office.
* Complete guidelines are available in the Jr Fair Guide or by calling the OSU Extension Office.

County Fair Talent Show
Saturday, 7:00pm, Junior Fair Building

The junior fair talent show is open to all junior fair exhibitors.  Cloverbuds will begin the show at 7:00pm and will receive participation awards for their act. Cloverbud acts must be under 2 minutes in length.  All junior fair members are eligible to participate.  Awards will be given in to best of show junior, best of show senior,

4-H Style Revue—
Sunday, 4:00 pm, Jr. Fair Building

Come see the 4-H members present their handwork at the Style Revue

4-H Cloverbud Activities—
Monday, 1:00 – 3:00 pm, Jr. Fair Building

All 4-H Cloverbud members and any youth between the ages of five and seven are eligible to participate in the 4-H Cloverbud Activities. These activities are educational and exciting. 4-H Volunteers and Jr. Fair Board members will guide each activity station and encourage the youth to participate. Activities will be interactive, hands-on and free!

Pumpkin Growing Contest

Washington County Fairboard is once again having their Giant Pumpkin Growing Contest!  It is open to all Washington County Youth. Age Divisions: 2-5; 6-10; 11-19 years old. Only the variety that can be picked up at the Washington County Extension Office, 8-4:30 M-F may be used in the contest.  Further instructions are available with seed pick up. Come get yours today!

Do you have your Enrollment Form in?

4-H Enrollments are due to the OSU Extension Office on Monday, April 15 by 4:30 PM. The enrollment form also serves as your Market Livestock Entry so make sure all projects are properly listed. All signatures must be in place on the form too! Poultry orders need to be turned in and paid for by Monday, April 15 by 4:30 PM.

Faxed or emailed forms will not be accepted!

4-H Endowment Dinner & Auction – THIS SATURDAY!!

The 4-H Endowment Dinner & Auction is THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 6 at the Washington County Junior Fair Building.  This event has something for everyone and is open to everyone! Doors open at 5:00pm with Silent Auction beginning and Dinner starting at 6:00pm with the Live Auction beginning at 7:30 pm.

Haven’t got your tickets yet? NO PROBLEM!  Tickets can be purchased at the Extension office or will be available for purchase at the door.

Questions? Call the Extension Office at 740-376-7431

Check out the auction item pictures at: https://www.facebook.com/4HEndowment/


The Ohio Cheviot Breeders Association (OCBA) is seeking applicants for the Jim Cluff Memorial Starter Flock Award.

The OCBA started the contest in 1994 to award a Cheviot starter flock to an Ohio youth up to 17 years of age. The purpose of the award is to introduce the youth to the enjoyment of raising and owning a purebred Cheviot sheep, as well as encouraging the growth of new Cheviot breeders in Ohio.

The contest winner will receive the following: a one-year membership in the OCBA, one bred ewe the first year, one ram the second year and in the third year the youth will donate a lamb to continue the award.

The application deadline is September 30th. For an application and contest rules please contact the Ohio Cheviot Breeders Association Starter Flock Committee Chairperson, Tabitha Weisend, at 740-459-9751 or tabithasregcheviots@yahoo.com.

Complete your County 4-H Award Application Today! – due Oct 15

There is still time to complete your County 4-H Award Application.  If it is for a project pin or a trip, complete yours and return to the Extension Office by 4:30 on Monday, October 15.

2018 Washington County 4-H Awards Categories and Descriptions

2018 Washington County 4-H Awards Application – pdf

2018 Washington County 4-H Awards Application – in Word

2018 Honor Club Application (completed by club)

2018 Scrapbook Application/Score Sheet (completed by club)

October 15 – Member’s application due to Extension Office.

October 25 – Awards Selection Committee reviews applications and selects 4-H Project Pin and Special Pin Award Winners.

October 25 – Trip Committee interviews applicants and selects winners for 4-H Trips and Margaret Meredith award.

November 15 – 4-H Year Celebration begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Washington County Career Center. Award Applications are returned to all applicants.

Bull’s-Eye Shooting Sports 4-H Club Starting October 7 for Fall Session


Check out the flyer about the upcoming 4-H Shooting Sports session! For youth ages 9 – 19!  The flyer contains meeting dates, times and discipline descriptions.  The cost of the program is $5.00 for dues and eye protection. (For health reasons, each participant will be assigned safety glasses.) The $5 is collected at the time enrollment forms are turned in which will be available at the first meeting and are also at http://washington.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/washington-county-shooting-sports

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  More adult volunteers are needed! Let one of the current volunteer instructors know you’re interested in helping so we can discuss how you’d like to assist. If you’ll be attending with your child, why not have something to do while you wait! We’re in need of archery, muzzleloader, living history, rifle, and pistol instructors and a coordinator for roster management. Assistance with any of the other disciplines would be welcomed too. Your consideration would be greatly appreciated!

If you have any questions, please call Erica Baker at 740-818-8184 or myself at 740-525-4980 or 740-473-1373. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Bull’s-Eye 4-H Club Flyer-1zky4gv