Winter Shooting Sports Training – Reg due Jan 22

Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Workshop

February 24-26
4-H Camp Ohio 

11461 Camp Ohio Rd. | St. Louisville, Ohio 43071
Workshop Fee: $110

To register go to:

Workshop to train Ohio 4-H volunteers who are interested in serving as shooting sports discipline instructors in their county 4-H programs. Participants must be approved 4-H volunteers in order to participate in workshops. Extension professionals will be contacted to confirm volunteer status. Full participation in the workshop is required. A confirmation email will be sent after registration is submitted.

Disciplines offered at this workshop –  Archery Basic, Coordinator, Crossbow, Hunting & Wildlife, Living History, Pistol, and Rifle **** Just added we have 8 shotgun sports we have just opened. Please note if the shotgun selection does not show up it could be full.

Contact Bruce Zimmer about scholarship funds to cover your registration fee.