The following information was emailed to all hog exhibitors on August 10, 2022.
August 10, 2022
Dear Waterford Market Hog Exhibitor:
BUYER INVITATIONS: Personally contact buyers and business people in your area. Last years buyers are listed in the Junior Fair Guide. For new buyers – call the Extension Office 740-376-7431 with name of business, name of contact person, and mailing address. We will send them a new buyer’s packet.
HOG ARRIVAL & WEIGH IN: Hogs will be weighed at the Waterford Fairgrounds on Wednesday, August 17. Please note the following schedule:
- 5:00 – 6:00 pm: Last Name A thru G
- 6:00 – 7:00 pm: Last Name H thru L
- 7:00 – 8:00 pm: Last Name M thru Z
Only one exhibitor and one parent will be permitted to help move the hog from the trailer, through weigh-in and on to the hog pen. Only 1(one) trip through the scales – no exceptions. Hogs not making grade weight (220 – 280 lbs.) or not meeting quality standards will not be eligible to be sold at the fair. At least one person is needed to follow the hog to the scales and report the name and tag number to the record keepers and then take the hog to its assigned pen.
HOG ARRIVAL – NEW for 2022: If you know for sure which hog you are bringing, and it will not be over or under weight, you can bring your hog and pen it on Wednesday between 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. All hogs penned early will be weighed after the last trailer is unloaded on Wednesday evening. It will still be the exhibitor’s responsibility to bring the hog to the scales. This option is being added to help with trailer congestion.
EAR TAGS: All hogs must have a Washington County Identification Tag in ear. Your hog must have clean ear tags and you must know your tag number. Families with more than one exhibitor must have the hog they tagged in and designated for each 4-H/FFA member in the family. No changes at weigh-in.
HOG PICTURES: Will NOT be taken at the fair again this year. Families are encouraged to take pictures at home and have them printed on 5 X 7 or 8 X 10 and framed. Option 1: Exhibitor will take pictures prior to coming to fair. Option 2: Exhibitor can take their pictures with the fair banner on Thursday from 11am to 6pm. Exhibitor must provide a 5 X 7 Color Photo to the buyer at the Hog sale.
DRUG USE NOTIFICATION FORM (DUNF): This will be an online form for 2022. The link is now live and must be completed before Check-in at the Waterford Fair. If you have two hogs tagged for the fair, complete a DUNF for both hogs! You will get an email confirmation after the DUNF is submitted. –
WATERFORD COMMUNITY FAIR Ractopamine (Paylean) Affidavit: This will be an online form for 2022. The link is now live and must be completed before Check-in at the Waterford Fair. –
EXHIBITOR NUMBERS: will be handed out along with safety pins at check-in. These must be worn during showmanship and market classes.
MEMBERSHIP TICKETS: All exhibitors are required to have a fair membership ticket ($12). This amount will be deducted from your hog check. Do not pick up your ticket from anyone but Lisa Campbell. You will be given your fair pass at check-in.
EXHIBITING: Market hog exhibitors who will not be exhibiting at Waterford, contact Chris Campbell at 740-984-4646 as soon as possible.
SHOWS ON FRIDAY: The shows will start promptly at 8 a.m. It is important to be there and ready at that time. Exhibitors must show their own animal. Senior Showmanship is first followed by intermediate and junior divisions. Market classes, determined by weight, will immediately follow showmanship classes. All exhibitors must show in both showmanship and market classes to be eligible to sell.
HOG PEN AREA: During the hog show, exhibitors 13 and under are permitted to have one parent in the hog barn. Over 13 exhibitors- no parents permitted.
BUYERS GIFTS: Rather than providing gifts to buyers, we encourage you visit the buyer’s place of business or mail them a thank you card after the sale. Buyers appreciate your thoughtfulness, but they can be overwhelmed with gifts during the sale and trying to transport them home.
CHECKS: Checks will be mailed to you following the fair. They cannot be picked up at fair office.
SALE COMMISSION: 4% will be deducted from checks for upkeep and other sale related expenses.
ABUSE: Anyone abusing any animal, drenching, or injecting any foreign substance into an animal will not be eligible to sell and will be asked to leave the grounds.
THANK YOU POSTER CONTEST: Posters will be judged at the fair and must be in place by Thursday evening of the fair. Judging is based on originality, neatness & creativity on relaying a “Thank You” message to the buyers. Awards will be 1st $15; 2nd $10; & 3rd $5 the awards are sponsored by Isner Trucking. Please list exhibitor’s name & age on front of poster. Everyone is required to display a poster.
It is your responsibility to read and practice the rules for the fair. The Junior Fair Activities Guide and each fairs senior fair book have this information. Junior Fair Activity Guides are available at the Ohio State University Extension Office.
Chris Campbell Hog Committee – Waterford Community Fair
Mitch Schott, President – Waterford Community Fair
Bruce Zimmer, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development