Volunteers Needed for County Fair Food Stand

The Washington County Fairboard is looking for volunteers to help staff the food stand (formerly the Farm Bureau booth) under the roller rink during the county fair.

  • Volunteers are needed for: Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday   6:30a-11:30a, 11:30a-4:30p,  4:30p-10:00p
  • Monday 4:30p-10:00p

They are looking for 8 workers total for each shift: A griller, fryer, food preppers, 2 cashiers, and then food runners/extras.

Volunteers can contact Emily Griffin at 740-213-2091 or Lisa Barth at 740-525-1602 help out.

Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) applications due August 12

Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) applications for the 2022-23 year are now available. Please note, because it is only a one year term, current TLC members who wish to continue their service must re-apply.

Questions can be sent to Sarah (longo.79@osu.edu).

TLC members currently serving from Washington County include:

  •     Josie Burke  Committee Chair
  •     Melina Matics   Committee Chair

Market Animal & Breeding Animal Pen Reservations

Pen reservations for County Fair market animals and Barlow market animals will be collected with a question during skillathon registration on Saturday, August 6. There are no paper forms to submit. Members will be asked how many market animals/pens they will be bringing to the fair. No pen reservations are needed for Waterford Hogs.

Breeding pen reservations will still be collected by paper forms for County Fair and Barlow Fair. These are needed to register breeding animals and register for breeding classes. Forms are available in the Jr Fair Guide and here:

County Fair Pen Reservation – due August 6, 2022

Barlow Pen Reservation Form – due Aug 19, 2022

Livestock Skillathon – Saturday, August 6

Date: Saturday, August 6

Location: Jr Fair Building, Washington Co Fairgrounds


  • Last Name A – E: 8:30 – 9:30
  • Last Name F – L: 9:30 – 10:30
  • Last Name M – Z: 10:30 – 11:30

Required Exhibitor Participation: Hogs, Beef, Dairy Feeder Steers, Goats, Lambs, Poultry, Dairy, Rabbit(Except pet rabbit), Horse (except horseless horse)

Each skillathon will have age divisions: Junior (ages 8‐11); Intermediate (ages 12‐14); Senior (ages 15 & over).
All ages will be as of January 1st of the current year.

Study Guide: 2022 Skillathon Study Guide


Make-up Livestock Skillathon

Skillathon Make‐Up Date: August 8 – RSVP required with $20 registration fee. Sign up here to reserve your
spot: https://go.osu.edu/skillathonmakeup. Make‐up Skillathon participants will not be eligible for premier exhibitor.

Makeup Judging will be held on Monday, August 8 starting at 6:00 pm in the Jr Fair Building for members not available to attend Project Judging. Signup here to reserve your spot for makeup judging: https://go.osu.edu/judgingmakeup

Rabbit Tattooing – Friday, August 5

All Market Rabbit exhibitors are required to bring rabbits to the tattooing held on August 5 from 6 pm to 8pm at the Washington County Fair grounds. Exhibitor not required to be present, only animals. A special market tattoo is used.

May tattoo up to nine (9). All spares tattooed in after primary animals can be shared only by brothers and sisters. Pens for fair will consist of 3 rabbits.

State Fair Orientation – July 24

State Fair Orientation for Qualifiers will be Sunday, July 24 at 1:30 at the OSU Extension Office (1115 Gilman Ave).

Qualifiers are required to attend State Fair orientation, receive State Fair information, tickets and have a photo taken on Sunday, July 24 at 1:30. If a qualifier cannot attend state fair, please call the Extension Office ASAP so the alternate can be notified and given the opportunity to compete at State Fair.

Project Judging Results with State Fair Judging Dates: 2022 project judging – blog and email as of 7-18-22

July 14 Project Judging Results

The results from the July 14 4-H Project Judging are now posted!

State Fair Orientation for Qualifiers will be Sunday, July 24 at 1:30 at the OSU Extension Office (1115 Gilman Ave). Qualifiers are required to attend State Fair orientation, receive State Fair information, tickets and have a photo taken on Sunday, July 24 at 1:30. If a qualifier cannot attend state fair, please call the Extension Office ASAP so the alternate can be notified and given the opportunity to compete at State Fair.

2022 project judging – blog and email as of 7-15-22

2022 project judging – blog and email as of 7-18-22

Peoples Bank Awards Grant to Hervida

We are excited to announce Peoples Bank Foundation has funded a grant for Hervida 4-H Camp to have an automated external defibrillator (AED) Unit at the camp facility. The unit is on order and will be installed for the 2023 camping season. Thanks Peoples Bank Foundation for helping to ensure the health and safety of our campers and visitors at Camp Hervida!