How would you like to participate in a judging contest from your phone? Introducing the first-ever Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences Virtual Judging Contest!
The rules are simple:
- -It is 100% FREE
- -Participate each week before results are posted
- -The contest is open to all ages
- -Check back at the end of the week for results
- -The contest will run through early July
Division champions will be selected and are divided as follows:
- -Novice (0-7)
- -Junior (8-11)
- -Intermediate (12-14)
- -Senior (15-18)
- -Advanced (19+)
Participate every week for a chance to be named the Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences Virtual Judging Champion!
This is a practice week (results will not be recorded)
Click the link below to participate:
Photo Credit: https://www.facebook.com/JudgingPro