Ohio Cattlemen’s Stockmanship Educational Opportunity

The stockmanship division of the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association’s (OCA) BEST program. The stockmanship program promotes education of our youth by expanding participants’ knowledge of the beef industry. It provides youth with an opportunity to showcase their abilities and talents outside of the show ring.

Stockmanship Infographic

OCA wants to see the program grow this year and include more youth who are not involved in showing cattle.

All of this information and much more is also available on our website at WWW.OHIOCATTLE.ORG/BEST

Vacancies on Livestock Committee – How to Apply

Do you have an interest in serving on the Washington County Livestock Committee? The committee currently has a couple of vacancies to fill. Letters of interest will be taken until February 22 and should be emailed to zimmer.2@osu.edu or mailed to OSU Extension, 1115 Gilman Ave, Marietta, OH 45750

Time Required:

  • January – November
  • Attend meetings held the 4th Tuesday of each month
  • Attend Tag-in / Tattooing (held in December, June, August)
  • Attend County Fair (Volunteer during weigh in, shows, and sale)

 General Purpose & Specific Responsibilities

  • Aid the Washington County Agricultural and Mechanical Association in the function of market livestock relating to large and small animals at the annual exposition;
  • Establish rules and regulations that parallel other expositions and comply with all federal and state (Ohio Department of Agriculture) rules governing livestock exhibitions (in cooperation with the Washington County Agricultural and Mechanical Association); and
  • Ensure a high profile, positive educational experience for youth participating in the exhibition through 4-H and FFA projects through:
    • Coordination of the annual livestock exhibitions and sale at the Washington County Fair; and
    • Coordination of educational activities throughout the year for youth exhibitors (i.e. – Quality Assurance, Skillathons, Clinics and other projects deemed worthy by the committee and in accordance with state and federal regulations.)
  • Actively promote the livestock sales to recruit and recognize livestock buyers.
  • Oversee and conduct the Washington County Jr Livestock Sale

Holiday Make-it & Take-it Day

The Washington County 4H program will be hosting a holiday crafting day at their office located at 1115 Gilman Ave Marietta.  The event will take place on December 22 from 9:30am to 12 noon.  All youth K through 12 are invited to attend(this event is open to any youth, you do not need to be a 4H member to attend).  Our crafting day will consist of card making, ornament making, gift tag workshops, and  no sew fleece blankets.  A holiday snack and Christmas movies will be offered as well.  Our current 4H members are encouraged to bring a friend and wear their favorite holiday shirt.  We ask that you RSVP using the following link:   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A094EADA72CA1FD0-4hholiday . Attendees may stay for the entire time or just drop in for an hour or more until the conclusion of the event.  For more details please call our office at 740-376-7431.

2022 Market Steer Announcements

Ohio State Fair Steer Registration

  • 2022 State Fair Market Beef Registration DNA sample kits and EID tags are available from the Extension Office. All samples must be received at the Ohio State Fair by January 15, 2022

Market Steer Tag-in & Weigh-in for 2022

  • Tag-in for 2022 Market Steers to be taken to the Washington County Fair will be Saturday, December 11 from 8-9:30 AM at the NFO Building on SR 339 near Waterford.