Virtual Day at NASA for 4-H Families

Attention Cloverbud Advisors!!
Please snap a few pictures during your 4-H Cloverbud meetings and activities this summer. We would like to feature each club in the Cloverbud Booth that is displayed at our local fairs. Think about a group picture, fun activities, community service project – whatever you are doing! Just snap some pictures and email them to Bruce Zimmer at zimmer.2@osu.edu
The Washington County Saddle Horse Committee is excited to announce their partnership with Applebees to host a fundraising event. Mark your calendars for June 29, 2021 and stop in and order off the “Together We Care Menu”. If you prefer not to dine in then call for your curbside to go order and help raise funds to support the 4-H horse program in Washington County. The 4-H horse program will receive 50% of the menu item profit for all items purchased off the “Together We Care” menu on Tuesday June 29th. We are encouraging all of our 4-H members, volunteers, business supporters and others to order lunch or dinner to help us with needed supplies and awards for the horse program. This event will run all day and the Washington County Saddle Horse Committee Members and 4-H members will be present to greet guests from 4-8pm. Please review the attached menu to see qualifying items.
The July 4-H Newsletter is now posted and ready for viewing. https://washington.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/washington-county-4-h-newsletters.
It has also been sent out for mailing to all 4-H families and volunteers. Newsletter inserts include:
This year, the Washington County Junior Fair has added a special event, “A Night to Shine in the Show Ring.” This show will showcase the talents of special needs youth from across the county, as they pair up with a 4-H show mentor and show their animal. We are extremely excited to offer this show, and can’t wait to see all of the youth!
Washington County 4-H members will utilize animal projects to mentor youth. By providing ALL participants the opportunity to experience a 4-H animal project this will allow special needs youth to achieve success in the show ring.
A night to shine in the show ring is to give our special needs youth in the county the experience of showing a livestock animal in the ring at the fair. Mentors will meet with their special needs partner on August 13 from 6 – 7:30 at the OSU Extension Office for ice breaker games, meet your partner, what to wear and to schedule a farm visit.
Farm visits are to be scheduled between August 8-August 29th for your special needs partner to meet your animal and learn how to show. Mentors and their partners will show the animal during our Night to Shine in the Show Ring on Monday, September 6th at 5pm in the Multi-Purpose Barn.
Participant Application (Special Needs Youth) – A night to shine Participant Application
Mentor Application (4-H & FFA Members wanting to share their project animals) – A night to Shine Mentor Application
Ohio Youth Skillathon information for VIRTUAL and IN-PERSON sessions is now online at: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/ohio-youth-skillathons
VIRTUAL Skillathon Registration is due by JUNE 14th, 2021!
A few important notes:
Camp Registration Materials are posted here: 2021 Camper Reg Packet
Waterford Community, Washington County, and Barlow Independent Fairs are seeking youth to apply for: Jr Princess, Prince, Queen, King, Dairy Princess, Horse Princess
Applications must be RECEIVED at the Extension Office by June 14, 2021
Interviews: August 16, 2021 evening (Time TBA)
Judging & Crowning: August 19, 2021 – 5:00 pm
Entry fee is $30.00. Make checks payable to Washington County 4-H Committee/Royalty.
All schools, youth organizations and civic organizations are invited to encourage candidates to enter the contest. Eligible Junior Fair organizations include 4-H, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, FCCLA, and FFA.