Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) applications due August 13

Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) applications for the 2021-22 year are now available and can be found on the Ohio 4-H website at go.osu.edu/TLC! Please let any interested individual know so they may apply. Please note, because it is only a one year term, current TLC members who wish to continue their service must re-apply.

  • Applications and more information about the group can be found online at: go.osu.edu/TLC. Please note: applications (and other materials, including letters of recommendation and program fees) are due (received, not postmarked!) by Friday, August 13, 2021 to Sarah (longo.79@osu.edu).  The term for selected individuals will be September 1, 2021-August 31, 2022.
  • TLC members currently serving from Washington County include:
    Burke Josie Washington Council Member
    Matics Melina Washington Committee Chair