4-H Endowment Committee Planning for April 3 Dinner To-Go

The Washington County 4-H Endowment Committee is busy planning for a Drive-Thru Curbside Dinner To-Go on April 3. There will also be an Online Auction March 15-31. If you, your club or business would like to donate an item for the auction, please complete this donation form or contact at committee member – Donation Form for 2021 ALL ITEMS ARE DUE MARCH 1 THE EXTENSION OFFICE

If you would like to place your order for meals, complete this order form – 2021 Endowment Dinner one pager for meal orders   MEAL ORDERS DUE MARCH 24

Meal choice of Grilled NY Strip Steak or Grilled Chicken Breast, and all meals include Baked Potato, Green Beans, Coleslaw, Applesauce, Roll, and Dessert.

Follow the most recent news and announcements on their Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/4HEndowment