We normally have an ice cream social and celebration to recognize our 4-H members that have won project pins, special pins and trip awards as well as special community awards and volunteer tenure awards.
This year we are planning a 4-H Drive Thru Celebration on Sunday, November 15 from 1 – 2 pm in the OSU Extension parking lot.
Recognition will include:
- Cloverbud Graduation
- Volunteer Tenure Recognition (1, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 45, 50, 74)
- Club Awards – honor clubs, club scrapbook Awards, C. Wagner Community Service Awards (Club’s should send a representative)
- Project Pins Awards
- Special Pin Awards
- Trip Award Scholarships
- Margaret Meredith Leadership Award
Members and clubs receiving awards will receive a postcard invite prior to the November 15 event. Pictures will be taken of the award winners!
All videos and pictures will be posted by Thursday, November 19 for viewing.