Ohio 4-H Horse Program Updates – Aug 12

Due to recent university restrictions related to COVID-19 concerns, the several changes to the remaining Ohio 4-H horse events in 2020 and the year-end awards program.  Additional updates will be posted on Ohio 4-H Horse Facebook page or refer to horse.osu.edu for complete details!

The State 4-H Competitive Trail Ride and Groom & Clean contest, in their original format, have been cancelled.  However, 4-H & FFA members may participate in designated alternative opportunities to receive participation credit towards the modified year-end awards for 2020.  A community service opportunity has also been approved by the State 4-H Horse Advisory Committee as an alternative for the Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show that was cancelled earlier this year.  Members must complete all of the requirements to receive participation credit for each event.  Please note that these alternative opportunities require members to submit an online participation form or documentation that will need your signature or email for approval.

Since all of the Ohio 4-H Horse Program state contests were transitioned to online contests or alternative activities due to COVID-19, the year-end awards will be slightly modified.  The State 4-H Horse Advisory Committee will award certificates to all 4-H/FFA members that participated in at least 4 of the 8 state contests or alternative activities, as has been done for the past several years.  4-H/FFA members that earn participation credit for all 8 state contests or alternative activities this year will be receive specially designed year-end award t-shirts.

A pdf copy of the updates with additional details is attached here: 4-H Horse Program Update Aug12