4-H Camp Hervida Fundraiser to Replace Cabin #8

4-H Camp Hervida needs your help to fund a cabin replacement project. Cabin #8 was closed in 2019 due to an unstable foundation, sloping floor and mold caused by excessive moisture. The plan is to build a new 20′ X 24′ cabin on the same location. The new cabin will include a ramp for handicap accessibility.

Due to COVID-19 all 4-H Camps have been cancelled through August 31. Other spring and summer camps traditionally held at Hervida have also been cancelled. The income generated from these camps would have been used to begin the funding process to replace Cabin #8

The goal is $15,000

Link to the funder page: https://buckeyefunder.osu.edu/4hcamphervida

Link to video featuring Camp Hervida counselors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAM2sXfTTEo