Quality Assurance Training is still mandatory for 2020 for all youth taking market livestock and lactating dairy cattle/goat projects in order to be eligible to participate in junior fair events, shows and sales at the fairs. Parents are encourage to attend the training with their child.
The Ohio Department of Agriculture has given permission to OSU Extension to teach QA using a virtual platform such as Zoom for 2020 only. This virtual training has been approved by local fair boards for 2020 as well.
All trainings will be held during QA Week, the week of April 27 using Zoom.
April 27 – 10am, 3pm, 7pm
April 29 – 10 am, 3 pm
April 30 – 10am, 3pm, 7pm
Each session will hold a maximum of 40 participants. No more than two family members on one Zoom connection.
Participants must sign-up and reserve a training spot at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A094EADA72CA1FD0-virtual . A Zoom link to attend the training will be emailed one day prior to the training time.
Attendance will be taken throughout the training session. If someone doesn’t attend the full training, the training will have to be repeated.
A face to face session will also be held after July 6 for members that are not able to attend a virtual training due to limited or no internet access. This date will be announced later.
How to attend a virtual training using Zoom:
Steps to attend a Zoom meeting on a computer
- Click on the QA invitation link that will be sent via email one day prior to the training
- You will need to allow your computer some time to download Zoom
- Enter the meeting ID if necessary
- Allow access to Camera & Sound
- Your controls are at the bottom for microphone and camera
- Need more help? Here is a quick video https://www.youtube.com/embed/hIkCmbvAHQQ?rel=0&autoplay=1&cc_load_policy=1
Steps to attend a Zoom meeting on a mobile phone
- Open App Store and download Zoom Cloud Meetings
- Open App, sign-up, enter email address, first name, and last name, email will be sent, verify account, initial setup complete
- Make sure Zoom App is downloaded and ready
- Click on the QA invitation line that will be sent via email one day prior to the training
- Enter the meeting ID if necessary
- Allow access to Camera & Sound