Project judging and skillathons allow youth to demonstrate and review what they have worked on and learned throughout their project year. The 4-H Advisory Committee has determined this piece of the 4-H project process is important and is part of the requirements for 4-H membership. The 4-H Advisory Committee, Livestock Committees and Senior Fair Boards have determined that skillathons meet the criteria for project judging.
ALL livestock (market, dairy, breeding, fancy, and/or horse) project members are required to participate in skillathons for each specie project they have enrolled in. Skillathons are required for all livestock and horse project participants in order to remain 4-H members in good standing and be eligible to exhibit, participate, show and/or sell their project animals at all three fairs. FFA youth taking hogs and/or Feeder calves, Market Dairy Goats, or Market Ducks should contact their FFA teacher for project requirements and eligibility. FFA Youth are Required to participate in skillathons for all animals sold at the Washington County Fair. To help this process and coordinate efforts of youth and volunteers ALL Skillathons will be offered:
Saturday August 4, 2018
Washington County Fairgrounds
8:30-12:30 – hogs, beef, dairy feeder steers
8:30-11:00 – goats, lambs, poultry
11:30-12:30 – dairy, horse (except horseless horse),rabbit (except pet rabbit)
Make-up day: August 7 (6:00pm—8:00pm)
(limited space, calling to reserve an appointment is required–no make-up times will be available before August 7)
****Livestock Skillathon study guides can be found on the web at: go.osu.edu/washjudging or pick up a copy from the Extension Office. The study guide provides all the information you will need for the skillathon.****