DiCamba Applicator Training

The questions of the week last week were: “Where can I find the DiCamba training and does OSU Extension Offer this training? Is the Dicamba training a part of my recent Pesticide Recertification?”

Answer: Unfortunately, our OSU Extension Offices across the state are no able to teach the DiCamba Trainings. This training is also not a part of the Ohio Department of Agriculture Pesticide Recertification classes primarily taught by OSU Extension Offices across the state. Below are the links to complete the training online.

As the spring season approaches, it’s crucial to remember that training is mandatory for any use of dicamba products. Links to the dicamba manufacturer applicator trainings are available below.

Whole Farm Planning – Take Time to Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan

By David Marrison, OSU Extension Educator

We have all heard the saying “Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan.”  Planning is one of the most important aspects of managing any business. This is especially true for farms and agribusinesses due to their complexity and the inherent uncertainties associated with agriculture.

OSU Extension encourages farm families to adopt a whole farm planning approach as they develop strategies for the future success of their business. The whole farm approach allows families to examine the internal structure of their business and then develop business, retirement, transition, estate, and investment plans that work in harmony. Continue reading Whole Farm Planning – Take Time to Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan

Lady Landlord Program coming March 23

Lady Landlord Program held for all farmland owners and farmers

Lady Landlord Flyer

Do you have questions for what are the best practices for farmland leasing? Would you like to incorporate conservation practices or other items into your lease agreement? Do you know what should be in writing? If you are a farmland owner or farmer and you have these types of questions, consider attending the Lady Landlord program on Tuesday, March 23 from 9 am to 1 pm at the Robert Fulton Agriculture Center, 8770 State Route 108, Wauseon, OH.

Attorney Peggy Hall, OSU Extension Ag Law Specialist, will discuss the legal aspects of farmland leasing, Beth Scheckelhoff, OSU Extension Educator-Putnam County, will discuss landlord-tenant communication, and Melinda Robison, Andres, Oneil & Lowe Insurance Agency, will discuss key insurance aspects of farmland leasing.  Other topics will include understanding the current market’s cost of production (enterprise budgets), incorporating conservation into leases, and farmland liability coverage.  This program is open to all farmland owners and farmers.

Registration cost includes lunch and materials is $20 per landowner or farm family and is due by March 19.  Must be pre-registered to attend. Registration link: www.go.osu.edu/2021FultonLadyLandlord

Midwest Women in Ag Community Education Series

Midwest Women in Ag Community Education Series

Women working, owning, and operating in agriculture are an increasing demographic of the population of farms and ranches across the country. The 2017 US Census of Agriculture showed that the number of female operators is still growing. Approximately 28% of the population of farmers and ranchers in the United States are female with continued steady growth since 2009. Whether on a small farm or large operation, women are increasing their footprint in the agricultural soil as developers, entrepreneurs, and marketing enthusiasts.

Join us each Thursday in March from 9-11 AM (EST)/8-10 AM (CT) for the Midwest Women in Ag Community Education Series.  This series is a collaborative effort of land grant institution Extension and related non-profits including Ohio State University Extension, Purdue University Extension, Michigan Food, and Farming Systems, and Kentucky Women in Agriculture. This series will be held virtual on the Zoom platform and features a morning health and wellness segment followed by an educational session and discussion. Continue reading Midwest Women in Ag Community Education Series

Need Good Ag Practices (GAP) Training?

The produce safety team has a March 18 online GAPs training scheduled this winter.  These programs are free to attend.

You can find more information at https://producesafety.osu.edu/events. Registration link for March 18 event:

Mar 18, 6:00-9:00pm: register at https://go.osu.edu/gapstraining3-18

GAPs Training Webinar Flyer 2021 – 3.18

What is GAP Training?

This is a 3-hour educational course that covers good agricultural practices or GAPs. GAPs training provides growers with the knowledge and tools needed to implement on-farm best management practices to reduce on-farm microbial food safety hazards. Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the training.

Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2021 Survey

From the desk of Barry Ward

We are once again surveying ag professionals/farmers/landowners across Ohio to generate information for those interested in farmland. You can assist us by completing the online survey (new option this year) or by completing the attached survey and returning by email to: (ward.8@osu.edu). (Paper Survey Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2021 Survey)

We are asking you to please complete the online or attached survey by March 31st, 2021. The Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2020-21 Survey is being conducted by The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. (I hope that you’ll excuse any duplicate requests that you may receive.)

The online survey is available at:

OhioCroplandValuesCashRents202021 or https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eXlA7B6jbgSoRGC

  • For those that don’t have information to report on Flexible Cash Leases or Crop Share Leases please skip Parts 2 and 3 before you proceed to submit your survey.
  • All survey data will be anonymous and distributed only in a summary format. (See last year’s summary at the web address below.)

Summary conclusions from the latest survey of agricultural professionals, the “Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rental Rates 2019-20”, are available online at:


I would like to thank the many of you that have taken the time to share your thoughts and information with us in the past and thank you all in advance for your valuable time in providing data for this research! We expect it to benefit you and your clientele. Summary data of this research will be available via our Farm Office website: https://farmoffice.osu.edu/ and the free online OSU Extension newsletter, “Ohio Ag Manager”. Subscribe to receive this electronic newsletter at http://ohioagmanager.osu.edu/

Thank you!