Taken from Ohio Department of Agriculture and Paulding Soil and Water Conservation District
The deadline for farmers to submit applications for the H2Ohio program is moving back to the original date of March 31, 2020.
Governor DeWine strongly believes in the H2Ohio water quality initiative and farmers have shown overwhelming interest to implement the program’s best practices. Our state and nation are facing an unprecedented economic crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to preserve resources for H2Ohio, ODA is suspending the acceptance of new applications after March 31 but will continue to process all current applications.
ODA recently extended the deadline to accommodate workflow changes due to COVID-19 and ensure all applications could be processed electronically or via telecommunications. The work transition has gone smoothly and all remaining applications will be handled similarly within the original timeline.
Further information regarding the H2Ohio program will be forthcoming. Updates will be posted to this website and distributed through the Soil and Water Conservation Districts. For a complete list of SWCD offices, go to http://h2.ohio.gov/agriculture/.
Additionally, information from the Paulding SWCD
Phone number to office 419-399-4771. Link to the website for H2Ohio information http://www.pauldingswcd.org/technical-programs/h2ohio/