Summer Internships at Novartis

Novartis is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of pharmaceuticals. The company aims to reimagine medicine to improve and extend people’s lives. They are working hard to produce breakthroughs and address unmet needs for patients with devastating diseases, including genetic disorders and certain deadly cancers. They also are committed to ensuring our medicines reach as many people as possible.

Novartis reached out to CBC and let us know that their summer internships will be posted here. Over the next few weeks they will continue to add positions, so interested students should check the website periodically. They expect postings to be split 50/50 for undergrad/grad, with around 200 total positions.

Marine Physical Laboratory Summer Internship

The Scripps Institution of Oceanography has opened applications for their Summer ’22 Internships. This is a 10 week research program in the fields of marine science and technology at Scripp’s Marine Physical Laboratory. This is a paid internship for undergraduate students currently majoring in physics, applied mathematics, chemistry, biology, engineering, geology and related majors. There are a variety of research areas offered such as:

  • Physical Oceanography
  • Population and Community Ecology
  • Acoustics and Infrasound
  • Ocean-Atmosphere interactions

This program will be based in La Jolla, California, beginning in June of 2022.

Applications are due at 4pm Pacific time on January 14, 2022.

More information can be found at their website, including eligibility and the application process, here.

Additional questions can be sent via email.