Undergraduate Summer Research Opportunities through the Center for Chemical Evolution

Exciting opportunities await undergraduate students interested in summer research positions! The Center for Chemical Evolution (CCE) is looking for students interested in a 10-week, paid summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.

Application Due: February 13th, 2017centerforchemicalevolution

The program allows undergraduate scientists to conduct supervised research with a faculty mentor working in the field of chemical evolution and origins of life chemistry. Students are trained in research methods, data analysis, and written/oral communication of their results.

This opportunity also features workshops, seminars, discussion groups, and other activities, and may include the chance to present findings via a formal poster session at the end of the summer.  Program start dates vary depending on the university to which the student is assigned, but will fall sometime between May 22nd and August 1st, 2017.  Possible research locations include:

  • Georgia Tech (Atlanta, GA)
  • Scripps Research Institute  (San Diego, CA)
  • Furman University (Greenville, SC)
  • University of South Florida (Tampa, FL)

All undergraduate researchers will receive as payment a minimum $5,000 stipend for 10 weeks of participation.

More details are available on the program flyer, including access to the application.

Want to jump start your search for the right program? Check out this listing  of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students.

Study Abroad- England

New Study Abroad Course: Travel to London & Cambridge, UK, to study Darwin and his research on evolution!

There is a now study abroad course being offered during the first two weeks of the 2017 summer session, preceded by a 7 week pre-departure course. Students will travel to London & Cambridge, UK, while studying Darwin and evolution. Students will have many opportunities to  visit several museums, tea gardens, and also to sight-see and explore.


There will be an information session Thursday, November 10th from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm in Kuhn House, room 100.

Check out this flyer for information on who to contact and more course details. If this study abroad course sounds like something you would be interested in, please speak with your advisor to determine your ability to complete the course!

Studying abroad is a valuable and exciting part of an undergraduate experience. When pursuing any study abroad opportunity, be sure to check in with an advisor to address any academic or financial implications of a semester abroad. Bon voyage!

SURI: Center for Chemical Evolution

The Center for Chemical Evolution (CCE) is looking for students interested in a 10-week, paid summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.

Students who apply should be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and have an interest in chemical sciences and research.

Through this opportunity, students will be paired with research professors in different chemical disciplines. Ares of research include the study of chemical evolution and the chemistry associated with the origins of life.

A stipend of at least $4,500 will be given to participants, as well as a travel allowance and on-campus housing.

The CCE is a National Science Foundation Center for Chemical Innovation. These programs are focused on collaboration to answer long term, fundamental challenges in chemistry. The CCE in specific is looking for how life may have emerged from chemistry.

Application deadline is February 15. To apply, click here.

Summer research is a great way to broaden your undergraduate experience. In addition to the opportunity highlighted above, summer research programs are available at institutions across the country and abroad.

Want to jump start your search for the right program? Check out this listing  of programs that have recently reached out to CBC students.