When: Saturday, October 22, 2016
Time: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
At Duquesne University’s Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, you’ll get exactly what you need to succeed in your graduate studies and career. Attend this year’s Bayer School Fall Open House for graduate programs to:
• Speak with faculty and graduate students about their latest science research
• Learn about financial aid options such as Ph.D. stipends and tuition waivers, fellowships, scholarships, and their 25% tuition award program
• Tour their cutting-edge labs and facilities, equipped with modern instrumentation
• Learn about financial aid options such as Ph.D. stipends and tuition waivers, fellowships, scholarships, and their 25% tuition award program
• Tour their cutting-edge labs and facilities, equipped with modern instrumentation