Undergraduate Research: Retroviruses

Have you thought about working in a lab? Doing research now as an undergraduate?

You have the unique opportunity to work in a research lab for OSU!

The Yoder lab is researching retroviruses, a type of RNA viruses that insert their DNA into host cells, an example of which is HIV.  The lab supervisor is Dr. Kristine Yoder.  This opportunity is open to talented 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year students who are interested in medical research.  You will get to work in the lab 10-15 hours a week during the school year, and then full time over the summer for at least one year.


From Dr. Yoder:

Depending on the experience of the undergraduate, the lab duties may initially be limited to supportive tasks (such as preparing solutions) with the expectation of advancing to an individual medical research project.  For more information about our research visit our website at u.osu.edu/yoder.176.

  • Prefer Students who have completed introductory chemistry and biology coursework
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA required

Interested students should send a resume, unofficial transcript and current class schedule to yoderlabosu@gmail.com by Friday, September 9.