Save the Date – Spring Tee Off 2024

Spring Tee Off, formerly Grounds & Greens, takes on a new look this year. Two separate tracks will be offered at the Spring Tee Off: BEST+ and Leadership. BEST+ takes the BEST Program to a new level, with hands-on laboratories for the identification of turfgrass species, seeds, weeds, diseases, and insects, all led by the OSU Turf Team. This track is geared toward recent entries to the turfgrass industry, Extension professionals, or veterans interested in brushing up their identification skills. Without correct identification of turfgrasses and pests, significant dollars and labor are wasted on improper pesticide applications. In the worst case, these applications can lead to loss of turf.

On the other side of the 4-H Center, leadership specialists from Ohio State University’s Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership will lead interactive seminars on topics not often featured at turfgrass events. However, these topics are critical to be effective in managerial or ownership positions, regardless of whether you are a golf course superintendent, lawn care operator, or sports field manager. These topics include leadership strategies, workplace culture, communication, and conflict management. You will leave these seminars with plans to attack each of these areas in your workplace.

More details about registration, speakers, and a final program will be released by the end of January and will be found at Until then, prepare to be in Columbus on March 7 for a new experience.