There are two options for last chance re-certification for Paulding County Fertilizer or Private Pesticide applicators. Private pesticide and fertilizer applicators who expired either in March 2020 or 2021 have until July 1 to recertify and renew.
- In-Person option on Thursday, June 24 – 8:00 AM – Fertilizer Recertification ($10) 9:15 AM – Pesticide Recertification ($35). Please call the office at 419-399-8225 to register. Ask for Sarah Noggle
- A self-paced online recertification course is available at You can also access the course by clicking the purple box titled “Self-Paced Recertification Courses” at (see screenshot image below).

Screenshot of homepage
Private Pesticide Recertification costs $35 and Agricultural Fertilizer Recertification (1-hr, separate registration) costs $15. A credit card is the only accepted payment.
If you have difficulties with registering for the course(s), please either call the OSU Pesticide Safety Education Program at 614-292-4070 or view the instructional video at If you forgot your password to access the online course, you can request a new password at

Screenshot of login page. Request to reset the password by clicking “Forgot Password?”
If you are unsure of your recertification status, you can check it on the ODA portal at (Applicator ID required). Call ANR Educator Sarah Noggle with any questions at 419-399-8225.