CLICK HERE for Backyard Poultry Production Webinar (apologies as it was zoom-bombed by a Cloverbud named Becky who added to the graphics in her own personal way)
From Extension Educator, Dr. Timothy McDermott
There has been a resurgence of people who wish to raise their own food for personal and family food security, both with produce and with poultry. I am increasingly getting asked about backyard poultry keeping so I wanted to put a resource together to assist you in getting the knowledge you need for safe, healthy and productive backyard poultry keeping.
FIRST THING: Find out the regulations in your city or municipality that governs the keeping of backyard poultry and follow those rules carefully.
We also have a number of Fact Sheets hosted on Ohioline to support poultry keeping:
- Performing a Physical Exam on a Chicken
- Winter and your Backyard Chickens
- Predators of Poultry
- Chicken Breed Selection
There is also a fact sheet on Selling Eggs in Ohio: Marketing and Regulations that details safe handling, washing, and storage of eggs.
If you need help finding a Veterinarian that sees poultry, we have a list plus a map to assist you with that.
I will be hosting another webinar on Backyard Poultry Production for Ag Madness for OSU Extension on Wednesday, April 29th at NOON. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.
If you have questions regarding the keeping of poultry after watching the webinar then feel free to contact me at mcdermott.15@osu.edu