Tracking Rainfall Across Ohio

NW Ohio and NE Indiana CoCoRaHS map of monitored locations.

What farmer doesn’t love to record the weather for their area of the county? Many of you are recording this daily but why not help give our county more.  The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow (CoCoRaHS) Network is comprised of volunteers who track rainfall across the United States. This is an excellent way to ground-truth radar predictions and track precipitation across the rural landscape. We currently only have one consistent reporter in Paulding County near the Hedges area. Wouldn’t it be awesome to see how much rainfall each part of the county got? When you join the reporting network, you get a weekly newsletter containing reporting tips and weather stories. View the most recent newsletter linked under the Resources section. It does require a specific rain gauge which can be purchase on Amazon or at these websites. To learn more about the network, click here. If we have enough interest, I have been asked to host a training in November or December.  Please let me know if you are interested in the training by emailing me at  This training would be open to the public.

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