2025 Livestock Requirements Summary

The 2025 Livestock Requirements Summary has been updated an is available on our website HERE. Please note that the date for the Lamb Pool Application Deadline was incorrect on the original document, and has now been updated to reflect the correct date. Please ensure you are view the most up-to-date document.

REMINDER: Livestock Move-in Traffic Patterns

If you will be moving in livestock to the Hartford Fair on Saturday, August 3rd, please review the traffic pattern HERE or below to ensure you know where to enter the fairgrounds and what path to follow to your barn. Please ensure you follow these directions to help everyone have smooth and easy move-in experience.



REMINDER: Livestock and Equine Skillathons at the Hartford Fair

Junior fair exhibitors! Please remember that there are livestock skillathon contests throughout the week at the fair. All junior fair exhibitors are encouraged to participate. You do not need to show a specific species to participate in that species skillathon; they are open to all! The skillathon competitions are a great way to show your knowledge! See the full schedule of skillathon competitions below or click HERE.

Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF) for Livestock Exhibitors

2024 Hartford Fair exhibitors are asked to make note of the following REQUIRED forms and their deadline. All Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF) and Livestock Exhibition Producer Forms must be completed online by the deadline. Please review which form(s) are due for your species and the deadline for those forms HERE or by viewing the list below. NEW FOR 2024: BEEF FEEDER CALVES MUST COMPLETE A DUNF THIS YEAR! Once you have confirmed which form(s) are needed, please complete them through the following links:

DUNF Form: go.osu.edu/2024HartfordDUNF

Livestock Exhibition Producer Form: go.osu.edu/ProducerForm2024

Livestock Move-in Traffic Patterns

If you will be moving in livestock to the Hartford Fair on Saturday, August 3rd, please review the traffic pattern HERE or below to ensure you know where to enter the fairgrounds and what path to follow to your barn. Please ensure you follow these directions to help everyone have smooth and easy move-in experience.



Livestock and Equine Skillathons at the Hartford Fair

Junior fair exhibitors! Please remember that there are livestock skillathon contests throughout the week at the fair. All junior fair exhibitors are encouraged to participate. You do not need to show a specific species to participate in that species skillathon; they are open to all! The skillathon competitions are a great way to show your knowledge! See the full schedule of skillathon competitions below or click HERE.

2024 July Poultry Banding & Rabbit Tattooing

The July Rabbit Tattooing and Poultry Banding will take place on Saturday, July 13, 2024 from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the Beef Barn. The fee is $1/animal.

Members with the following projects are required to have their rabbits tattooed and poultry banded on this day:

  • Meat Chickens
  • Meat Ducks
  • Market Rabbits
  • Junior Breeding Rabbits – please bring your completed Rabbit Registration Form. Bringing the form completed will help speed up the process.


REMINDER: Animal Adventures Registration

Animal Adventures is part of a statewide, 4-H initiative to connect young people with disabilities, who also have a love for animals, with opportunities to get involved with local 4-H programs.

Through Animal Adventures, participants with disabilities will be paired with 4 H and FFA mentors to learn about an animal of their choice. After a meet and greet, they will work together to exhibit or “show” the animal at the 2024 Hartford Independent Fair. The show will be held at 6:30 p m on Sunday, August 4th at the B Carr Pavillion on the Hartford Fairgrounds.

Animal Adventures welcomes youth between the ages of 8 and 19. Participants do not have to be supported by the Licking County Board of Developmental Disabilities, but must reside within the Hartford Fair District: Licking County, Knox County (Hilliar, Milford, Miller Townships), or Delaware County (Berkshire, Harlem, Porter, Trenton Townships).

To register an EXHIBITOR (youth ages 8-19)
•Complete registration by June 23rd at https://go.osu.edu/AdventureExhibitor

To register a MENTOR (Junior Fair Exhibitor Dairy Feeder / Goat / Poultry / Rabbit / Sheep)
•Complete registration by June 23rd at https://go.osu.edu/AdventureMentor

Want to be an ADULT VOLUNTEER?
•Email Lisa McCutcheon (mccutcheon.46@osu.edu) to be placed on a contact list!

REMINDER: Hartford Fair FairEntry Information

Fair Entries

All Hartford Fair entries must be completed through the FairEntry portal again this year. Please follow the Hartford Fair Entry Instructions (https://www.hartfordfair.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024-Hartford-Fair-Entry-Instructions.pdf) when making your entries. Entry deadline is Friday, June 28, 2024.

SPECIAL NOTE: Lisa and Adrienne will be at 4-H Camp June 17-21 and will have limited access to email and voicemail. If you have questions or run into issues, please EMAIL them and they will do their best to get back to you. If you have general questions about departments, shows, tagging/banding/tattooing, etc., please email Lisa at mccutcheon.46@osu.edu. If you are having trouble making entries through FairEntry, please email Adrienne at anderson.1410@osu.edu. Before emailing them, please be sure that you have read through the entry instructions linked above AND the relevant departments in the premium book linked below as often your questions/issues may be solved by reviewing those materials. Another helpful document is the Junior Fair Livestock Requirement Summary: https://www.hartfordfair.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/2024-Livestock-Requirement-Summary.pdf.

Please note:

  • The Hartford Fair Entry Portal can be found by visiting: http://hartfordfair.fairentry.com
  • Please be sure to review the Hartford Fair Premium Book at: https://www.hartfordfair.com/premiumbook to ensure you know which Classes and Lots you will be making entries for before you start that process.
  • All 4-H families must use their 4-HOnline Credentials to log into FairEntry. If a member creates a new account in FairEntry, they will be unable to make entries in Junior Fair Departments as those departments require them to be enrolled in the appropriate 4-H project in order to make entries.
  • All FFA members making entries in livestock departments will submit their own entries this year. Those entering projects in the FFA Building will do so through their advisor.
    Please make sure that you add all entries to each exhibitor in your family before you submit the entries and continue to the payment portal.
  • NEW FOR 2024: All youth planning to participate in Showmanship MUST make an entry for their Showmanship class. Even if a member isn’t sure about whether they want to do Showmanship or not, they should go ahead and make an entry for it.

Photo IDs

Both Junior Fair Exhibitors and Advisors must submit a photo for their fair ID. Photos must be submitted by June 30, 2024. Please ensure that all Junior Fair Exhibitors submit their photo through the link for YOUTH ID while the advisors should submit their photo through the ADULT ID link. Please ensure your photo meets the requirements listed. The fair ID will be used for gate admission as well as collecting premiums from the Premium Bank. Submit your photos here: https://www.hartfordfair.com/exhibitor

REMINDER: Hartford Fair FairEntry Information

Fair Entries

All Hartford Fair entries must be completed through the FairEntry portal again this year. Please follow the Hartford Fair Entry Instructions (https://www.hartfordfair.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/2024-Hartford-Fair-Entry-Instructions.pdf) when making your entries. Entry deadline is Friday, June 28, 2024.

SPECIAL NOTE: Lisa and Adrienne will be at 4-H Camp June 17-21 and will have limited access to email and voicemail. If you have questions or run into issues, please EMAIL them and they will do their best to get back to you. If you have general questions about departments, shows, tagging/banding/tattooing, etc., please email Lisa at mccutcheon.46@osu.edu. If you are having trouble making entries through FairEntry, please email Adrienne at anderson.1410@osu.edu. Before emailing them, please be sure that you have read through the entry instructions linked above AND the relevant departments in the premium book linked below as often your questions/issues may be solved by reviewing those materials. Another helpful document is the Junior Fair Livestock Requirement Summary: https://www.hartfordfair.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/2024-Livestock-Requirement-Summary.pdf.

Please note:

  • The Hartford Fair Entry Portal can be found by visiting: http://hartfordfair.fairentry.com
  • Please be sure to review the Hartford Fair Premium Book at: https://www.hartfordfair.com/premiumbook to ensure you know which Classes and Lots you will be making entries for before you start that process.
  • All 4-H families must use their 4-HOnline Credentials to log into FairEntry. If a member creates a new account in FairEntry, they will be unable to make entries in Junior Fair Departments as those departments require them to be enrolled in the appropriate 4-H project in order to make entries.
  • All FFA members making entries in livestock departments will submit their own entries this year. Those entering projects in the FFA Building will do so through their advisor.
    Please make sure that you add all entries to each exhibitor in your family before you submit the entries and continue to the payment portal.
  • NEW FOR 2024: All youth planning to participate in Showmanship MUST make an entry for their Showmanship class. Even if a member isn’t sure about whether they want to do Showmanship or not, they should go ahead and make an entry for it.

Photo IDs

Both Junior Fair Exhibitors and Advisors must submit a photo for their fair ID. Photos must be submitted by June 30, 2024. Please ensure that all Junior Fair Exhibitors submit their photo through the link for YOUTH ID while the advisors should submit their photo through the ADULT ID link. Please ensure your photo meets the requirements listed. The fair ID will be used for gate admission as well as collecting premiums from the Premium Bank. Submit your photos here: https://www.hartfordfair.com/exhibitor