2025 Spark EXPO

From June 11-14, teens at the Spark EXPO will learn about agriculture and related STEAM fields from industry experts, and faculty and staff of the Ohio State College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES).

Open to all Ohio students who have completed the eighth grade or ninth grade at the conclusion of the 2024-2025 school year. Participants do not need to be enrolled in the 4-H program.

As part of Spark EXPO, students visit Ohio State’s Columbus and Wooster campuses and learn from Ohio State students, teachers, scientists, and researchers. Students explore careers, hear from Ohio 4-H alumni who share their career stories, and learn about the college and career-readiness program: Ohio 4-H Pathways to the Future.

Want to see all the fun from last year? Click here.

Additional details or to register: go.osu.edu/4hsparkexpo.

Payment is due no later than April 25 to be considered a complete registration. Health Forms are included in registration.

The event includes on-campus accommodations, meals, program materials, and transportation. Supervision is provided by adult program staff.

America’s Field Trip

America’s Field Trip is designed to engage America’s youth in commemorating the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 2026. The contest invites ​​3rd–12th grade students to reflect on what America means to them through artwork, poems, and essays for a chance to explore the historic places that have shaped our nation’s rich history. The 2024-2025 contest is now live and will accept submissions through April 16, 2025.

Student awardees will be able to:

  • Participate in a three-day, two-night field trip this summer with airfare and lodging expenses covered for the student awardee and their chaperone
  • Take part in specially curated educational experiences and behind-the-scenes tours at some of the nation’s most iconic historical and cultural sites from the Mount Rushmore National Memorial and the Smithsonian’s National Zoo to the National Archives, Yellowstone National Park, and Fort Point at the Golden Gate Bridge

America250 has also worked with Discovery Education to develop lesson plans and other resources to help educators bring the America’s Field Trip contest to their classrooms.

Fall Paper Clover Campaign at Tractor Supply Company

Tractor Supply Company (TSC) is once again hosting their Paper Clover Campaign in all locations. The campaign runs from November 29th through December 15th. Make donations at any of the four Licking County TSC Stores. 80% of the funds raised at each store will stay in Licking County’s program to support 4-H leadership and scholarship opportunities. The monies raised helps Licking County 4-H send youth to state camps and national trips.

Heath: 2035 Hebron Rd., Heath, OH 43056

Johnstown: 659 W Coshocton St., Johnstown, OH 43031

Newark: 315 Deo Dr., Newark, OH 43055

Pataskala: 11309 Broad St SW, Pataskala, OH 43062

REMINDER: 2024 4-H Achievement Night

We are excited to recognize our members and advisors at the annual Licking County 4-H Achievement Night on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 6:30pm at C-TEC. We are thrilled to recognize individuals who fall into the list below. While we look forward to recognizing these youth and volunteers, please know that everyone is welcome to attend this event, even if you are not getting recognized. Come cheer on your fellow 4-H members and club advisors. If you plan to attend please RSVP by visiting http://go.osu.edu/4HBanquet. Once there you will complete a very quick and simple survey that will help us gauge the number of people who will be attending. Please RSVP by Monday, November 18, 2024.

Areas/Groups Being Recognized:

  • Project/Commodity Royalty Representatives
  • Ohio State Fair Livestock and Still Project Awards: Clock Trophy, Honorable Mention, Outstanding of the Day, Animal/Livestock Skill-a-thon, Junior Livestock, Junior Dog
  • Dairy Judging Contest: Licking County and Ohio 4-H Contests
  • 4-H Band: Officers, Council, Advisor Board, and Scholarship Recipients
  • Licking County Teen Leadership: Camp Counselors, Hartford Fair Junior Fair Board, Food & Fashion Board, 4-H CARTEENS
  • Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership: Teen Leadership Council, Ohio 4-H Event Youth Assistant
  • 4-H Achievement Record Awards: Project Area Awards, Trip Awards, and Scholarship Recipients
  • “I Dare You” Award Recipients
  • Honor Clubs
  • Club Charter for New Clubs
  • Licking County 4-H Committee
  • Licking County 4-H Advisors
  • 4-H Volunteers: Quality Assurance Instructors, Hartford Fair Senior Fair Board, 4-H Camp Volunteers, Skill-a-thon Facilitators, Project Interview Judges
  • Friend of 4-H Announcement

2024 4-H Achievement Night

We are excited to recognize our members and advisors at the annual Licking County 4-H Achievement Night on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 6:30pm at C-TEC. We are thrilled to recognize individuals who fall into the list below. While we look forward to recognizing these youth and volunteers, please know that everyone is welcome to attend this event, even if you are not getting recognized. Come cheer on your fellow 4-H members and club advisors. If you plan to attend please RSVP by visiting http://go.osu.edu/4HBanquet. Once there you will complete a very quick and simple survey that will help us gauge the number of people who will be attending. Please RSVP by Monday, November 18, 2024.

Areas/Groups Being Recognized:

  • Project/Commodity Royalty Representatives
  • Ohio State Fair Livestock and Still Project Awards: Clock Trophy, Honorable Mention, Outstanding of the Day, Animal/Livestock Skill-a-thon, Junior Livestock, Junior Dog
  • Dairy Judging Contest: Licking County and Ohio 4-H Contests
  • 4-H Band: Officers, Council, Advisor Board, and Scholarship Recipients
  • Licking County Teen Leadership: Camp Counselors, Hartford Fair Junior Fair Board, Food & Fashion Board, 4-H CARTEENS
  • Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership: Teen Leadership Council, Ohio 4-H Event Youth Assistant
  • 4-H Achievement Record Awards: Project Area Awards, Trip Awards, and Scholarship Recipients
  • “I Dare You” Award Recipients
  • Honor Clubs
  • Club Charter for New Clubs
  • Licking County 4-H Committee
  • Licking County 4-H Advisors
  • 4-H Volunteers: Quality Assurance Instructors, Hartford Fair Senior Fair Board, 4-H Camp Volunteers, Skill-a-thon Facilitators, Project Interview Judges
  • Friend of 4-H Announcement

REMINDER: 2025 National Ignite by 4-H Summit Application Due

Applications are open for the March 12-16, 2025, National Ignite by 4-H Summit in Washington, D.C. at go.osu.edu/4Hignite. Youth interested in Agriscience, Healthy Living, and STEM and who are aged 13-18 as of Jan. 1, 2025, are encouraged to apply. Application deadline is November 1, 2024.

Applications are now open for Ohio 4-H Delegates to the 2025 National 4-H Conference!

National 4-H Conference is specifically focused on civic engagement, civic education, and personal development. Delegates arrive ready to connect, learn, engage, lead, and impact their communities, their nation, and their world. In 2025, National 4-H Conference returns for youth delegates to attend in-person in Washington, D.C.  April 10-16, 2025. Any 4-H member in Ohio who will be between the ages of 15-18 as of January 1, 2025 is able to apply by completing the Qualtrics survey linked below.

Basic Information:

  • National 4-H Conference is specifically focused on civic engagement, civic education, and personal development. Delegates arrive ready to connect, learn, engage, lead, and impact their communities, their nation, and their world. In 2024, National 4-H Conference returns for youth delegates to attend in-person in Washington, D.C., April 10-16, 2025 (Ohio delegates arrive a day early on April 10. Conference begins April 11).
  • Interested Ohio 4-H members must complete an application via Qualtrics (linked at bottom) by December 1 at 11:59 p.m. *Applicants must be 15-18 as of January 1, 2025, and currently enrolled as an Ohio 4-H member in 2025.
  • After an application is received, the State 4-H Office will request a referral from county 4-H professional for the respective candidate.
  • A selection board of advisors, 4-H educators, and past attendees will review applications and conduct interviews, as needed.
  • Those selected will be expected to fully engage in all pre-conference and conference activities and adhere to all National 4-H guidelines, complete all required work as a result of conference participation, and share knowledge gained with Ohio 4-H upon their return.

More information about the opportunity can be found on the website: https://go.osu.edu/N4HC

REMINDER: Teen Achievement Awards Forms and Licking County 4-H Committee Scholarship DUE

The 2024 Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards Form Packet as well as the 2024 Licking County 4-H Committee Scholarship Packet are now available. Both forms can be found on the Teen Opportunities page of the website. Achievement Awards forms and the 4-H Committee Scholarship are due to the Licking County Extension Office by Friday, October 4, 2024. By completing the Achievement Awards forms, members have the opportunity to be recognized for their comprehensive project work and leadership activities and can be chosen to represent Licking County at the state level competition. Applicants are also eligible to apply for state trips/camps and other opportunities through this process. Members must be at least 14 (as of 01/01/2025) in order to be eligible for this process. Please reach out to Lisa McCutcheon (mccutcheon.46@osu.edu) with questions or for help with the process.


Teen Achievement Awards Forms and Licking County 4-H Committee Scholarship

The 2024 Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards Form Packet as well as the 2024 Licking County 4-H Committee Scholarship Packet are now available. Both forms can be found on the Teen Opportunities page of the website. Achievement Awards forms and the 4-H Committee Scholarship are due to the Licking County Extension Office by Friday, October 4, 2024. By completing the Achievement Awards forms, members have the opportunity to be recognized for their comprehensive project work and leadership activities and can be chosen to represent Licking County at the state level competition. Applicants are also eligible to apply for state trips/camps and other opportunities through this process. Members must be at least 14 (as of 01/01/2025) in order to be eligible for this process. Please reach out to Lisa McCutcheon (mccutcheon.46@osu.edu) with questions or for help with the process.