2021 Layers/Fancy Poultry/Turkey Banding & Sr Rabbit Registration – May 1st

2021 Banding for Breeding Poultry and Market Turkeys along with Senior Rabbit Registration will take place at the Hartford Fairgrounds on Saturday May 1, 2021. Banding and registration will run from 10:00am through 2:00pm and will be held at the Hondros Beef Barn on the north end of the fairgrounds by gate D1. The cost is $1 per animal. The rabbit registration form can be found here. We encourage you to print out and complete the registration form and bring it with you to save time during the process.

Rabbit and Poultry Drive-thru Registration at Gate D1 and the Beef Barn

Date: July 11, 2020

Time: 8:00am -3:00pm on a first come first serve basis.

Please DO NOT line up prior to 7:30 AM.


  1. Enter the Fairgrounds from Croton Road at Gate D.
  2. Traffic will be one way from the Gate D parking lot entering the fairgrounds through Gate D1.
  3. Rabbit registration/tattooing and Poultry Banding will be drive-thru at Gate D1 and Beef Barn driveways.
  4. Please follow signage to keep traffic flow traveling and stay in your vehicle. Select and follow the line to your designated area.
  5. We will not have any walk-up tattoo/banding or registration areas.
  6. Only the exhibitor and up to two assistants allowed out of the vehicle to help with animals. Everyone else please stay in the vehicle.
  7. Face coverings (masks or shields) are strongly encouraged, but not required.
  8. Please use hand sanitizers prior to working with volunteers assisting with banding/registration.
  9. When you are done, please reload your animals and exit the area.
  10. If you must exit your vehicle for any reason, please practice social distancing as appropriate.

Poultry Drive thru Banding and Registration:

  • Poultry Banding Cost is $1.00 per entry, maximum cost of $6.00. CASH ONLY!
  • Poultry exhibitors and assistants will remain in their vehicles until it is their turn.
  • Enter at Gate D1 traveling one way into the fairgrounds on the driveway to line up. Please stay in line!
  • Each vehicle will be assigned a number to be placed on the windshield.
  • A bander and clerk will come to the vehicles in numeric order to record and band birds.
  • Only the exhibitor and 2 assistants out of the vehicle at time of banding.
  • Once your birds have been banded and recorded, the clerk will take payment to the cashier. Please have exact change. No cards accepted!
  • Once payment transaction complete please exit the line in a one way fashion.

  Drive thru Rabbit Registration and Tattooing:

  • Enter at Gate D1, when entering the Beef Barn select the proper drive-thru lane based on the information below:
    • Registration Only (for exhibitors with ALL rabbits already tattooed)
      • Example: All your rabbits have a tattoo in the left ear: Select Registration Only line.
      • Even if the rabbit has a tattoo and previously exhibited at The Hartford Fair, you are still required to register the rabbit each year.
    • Needs Tattooed (for exhibitors with ANY rabbits that need tattooed)
      • Example: You have 1 rabbit already tattooed and 1 rabbit that is not, select the Needs Tattooed line.
      • Example: None of my rabbits have been tattooed, select the Needs Tattooed line.
      • All Market Rabbits to be tattooed will be assigned a tattoo.
      • Breeding rabbits that need tattooed, please be prepared with your tattoo info.
      • Tattoos are $1.00 per rabbit, CASH ONLY!
    • Only the exhibitor and 2 assistants to be out of the vehicle when handling rabbits.
    • Exhibitors bring your completed rabbit registration form to keep transactions moving. Rabbit Registration Form can  be found here.
      • If you forget your registration form we will have some available day of registration.
    • Once your rabbits have been tattooed, the clerk will take payment to the cashier. Please have exact change. No cards accepted!
    • Once payment transaction or registration is complete please exit the line in a one way fashion through the fairgrounds.

Pre-Fair Updates and Reminders:

Buyer Thank You Signs 2020 Guidelines:

  • Buyer Thank You Signs are permitted to be constructed on a half poster board sheet (14”X 22”).
  • No wooden, metal, vinyl, or full poster board size signs permitted to be hung in the barn.
  • No club decorations permitted in the barn.
  • Exhibitors will turn in Buyer Thank You Signs to the Fair Board during the show (Poultry on Sunday or Rabbits on Monday).
  • The Fair Board will hang ALL signs after the show and dispose of signs after the fair. Buyer Thank You Signs will NOT be returned to the exhibitors.


  • No stalling for 2020. All shows are haul-in for rabbits and poultry.
  • There will NOT be cages available on day of show for use.
  • Market exhibitors will take their project home after the show.

There will NOT be a packer truck this year for rabbits or poultry.

Rabbit and Poultry Project Upcoming Registration Reminder

Are you exhibiting in the Junior Breeding Rabbit or Market Rabbit or Poultry at the 2019 Hartford Fair?

If your answer is yes, we can’t wait to see you July 13, 2019!

All junior breeding rabbit or market poultry and rabbit projects to be eligible for the 2019 Hartford must be brought to registration on July 13, 2019 in the rabbit and poultry barn 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

The rabbit or poultry project must be brought to the fairgrounds and checked in by an exhibitor or someone representing the exhibitor to be eligible. Rabbit exhibitors please fill out the registration form and bring with your rabbit to registration to help speed up the process.

All rabbits are required to be tattooed and poultry projects must be banded. There will be tattooing and banding offered by the Rabbit and Poultry Committee at registration, tattooing is $1.00 per rabbit or poultry entry. All rabbits to be exhibited

Junior breeding rabbits are those under 6 months of age at the 2019 fair.

If an exhibitor or a representative for them is UNABLE to bring their project to registration the fair board must be notified by end of day on July 12, 2019. If notice is not received, the project is not eligible to for the 2019 Hartford Fair.

Notice is to be sent to rabbitpoultry@hartfordfair.com. The email notice should include the following:
Exhibitors name, phone number, 4-H Club, and project information (ex breed of rabbit or market and tattoo).

If you have any questions please send an email to rabbitpoultry@hartfordfair.com.

Many Important Things Happening on May 4th!

Many important events will take place on May 4, 2019.  Please check the list below to make sure that you are where you need to be if any of these events apply to you:

  • Market Lamb Tagging – 9 a.m.-12 p.m. (Hartford Fairgrounds). Up to 6 lambs may be tagged at that time. Fee: $3/animal
  • Turkey Banding – 10a.m.-2p.m. Rabbit & Poultry Barn, Hartford Fairgrounds. Fee: $1/animal
  • Breeding Poultry Banding – 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Rabbit & Poultry Barn, Hartford Fairgrounds. Fee: $1/animal
  • Breeding Rabbits Registration/Tattooing – Sr. Rabbits – 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Rabbit & Poultry Barn, Hartford Fairgrounds. Fee: $1/animal
  • Intro to Food & Clothing Projects Workshop – 10 a.m.-noon. Licking County Extension Office. RSVP by April 29th at 740.670.5315

REMINDER FOR RABBITS/POULTRY: If the Exhibitor or a representative for them is UNABLE to bring their project to the appropriate registration; the Exhibitor is required to send an email to rabbitpoultry@hartfordfair.com. The email notice must be received by end of business day the day prior to registration. The email must contain the exhibitor’s name, 4-H Club, phone number and project information. Emails regarding projects received the day of registration or after are not eligible.

Rabbit and Poultry Hartford Independent Fair Registrations

Important Dates:

Senior Breeding Rabbit Registration

Market Turkeys, Layers and Fancy Poultry Banding:

First Saturday in May

May 4, 2019

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Rabbit and Poultry Barn

Junior Breeding and Market Rabbit Registration

Market Poultry Banding:

2nd Saturday in July

July 13, 2019

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Rabbit and Poultry Barn

The Licking County Rabbit and Poultry Committee will have individuals available to Tattoo rabbits $1.00 per animal and band/blood test poultry $1.00 per project.

ALL rabbit or poultry projects to be exhibited are required to be brought to the fairgrounds by the exhibitor or a representative for the exhibitor on the designated date above.

NEW Process for Scheduling Conflicts:

If the Exhibitor or a representative for them is UNABLE to bring their project to the appropriate registration; the Exhibitor is required to send an email to rabbitpoultry@hartfordfair.com. The email notice must be received by end of business day the day prior to registration. The email must contain the exhibitor’s name, 4-H Club, phone number and project information. Emails regarding projects received the day of registration or after are not eligible.

2018 Market Rabbit, Breeding Rabbit and Market Poultry Tattooing/Banding

Market Rabbit Tattooing
July 14, 2018
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Rabbit and Poultry Barn – Hartford Fairgrounds
Fee: $1 per animal

Jr Breeding Rabbit Tattooing
July 14, 2018
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Rabbit and Poultry Barn – Hartford Fairgrounds
Fee: $1 per animal

Meat Poultry (Except Turkeys) Banding
July 14, 2018
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Rabbit and Poultry Barn – Hartford Fairgrounds
Fee: $1 per animal


Rabbit and Poultry Banding/Tattooing

Breeding Rabbit Registration/Tattooing
Sr. Rabbits: May 5, 2018 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Rabbit & Poultry Barn, Hartford Fairgrounds
Fee: $1 / animal

Turkeys are banded on May 5, 2018 from 10a.m.-2p.m.
Rabbit & Poultry Barn, Hartford Fairgrounds
Fee: $1 / animal

Breeding Poultry Wing Banding on May 5, 2018 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Rabbit & Poultry Barn, Hartford Fairgrounds
Fee: $1 / animal