Ohio Beef School Concludes With Focus on Meeting Demand

Stan Smith, OSU Extension PA, Fairfield County

To say the least, suggesting it’s been a wild ride on the path to profitability in the cow-calf sector during this decade is an understatement. Beginning in 2009-10 cattlemen saw the most dramatic increase in cattle prices ever, to the point where we experienced historic highs in 2014-15. As would be expected, consumers experienced historic high beef prices in the meat case at this same time.

What might not have been expected was that while these lower beef supplies were causing historically high retail prices, demand for premium priced branded beef continued to climb at Continue reading Ohio Beef School Concludes With Focus on Meeting Demand

In Search of Income, Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Change

– Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service

In 2012, the Dickinson Research Extension Center switched to May calving.

We continue to tread along that path. I say “tread” because change always has a knob or two that needs adjustment.

One of those knobs that need adjusting is selling the calves, or searching for income. The adjustment is timing and how different markets react to different weights of cattle. Either way, as a producer shifts the calving date, he or she finds himself or herself in Continue reading In Search of Income, Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Change

Supplementing Your Winter Forages

Sandy Smith, ANR Educator, Carroll County OSU Extension (This article appeared originally in the Expo 2017 issue of the Ohio Cattleman Magazine)

Livestock nutritional needs are at their highest demand during the winter months.  Unfortunately, during this season, forage quality is often at its lowest.  Winter feed costs are the single largest expense in a cow/calf operation.  The winter feeding program on your farm will all depend on the body condition of your cows, the quality of forage that is fed, availability of winter feed supplements and Continue reading Supplementing Your Winter Forages

Posted in Forages

What About Trade?

– Brenda Boetel, University of Wisconsin-River Falls

On Friday, February 10, 2017, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met with President Trump on several issues including potentially laying the groundwork for a bilateral trade agreement. With the withdrawal from the Trans Pacific Partnership, a bilateral agreement with Japan is important to the US cattle industry.

US beef exports are expected to grow 5.6 percent in 2017 and the US is expected to retain the position of Continue reading What About Trade?

Integrated Carnivore-Livestock Workshop

Participants will hear from experts about the balance between livestock production, carnivore conservation and animal welfare at the upcoming Integrated Carnivore-Livestock Workshop. The workshop is sponsored by the Initiative for Food and AgriCultural Transformation (InFACT) during Discovery Theme Friday (2/24) 9-4:30 p.m. in the 11th Floor Campus Reading Room, Thompson Library on the campus of Ohio State University. Topics for discussion include Continue reading Integrated Carnivore-Livestock Workshop

Understanding the BVD Virus

– Michelle Arnold, DVM (Ruminant Extension Veterinarian, UKVDL)

Concern is mounting in KY regarding the identification and subsequent movement of cattle persistently infected with the Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus (or “BVD-PI” animals) into livestock sales. The BVD virus is known to cause severe immunosuppression and also works synergistically with other viruses to make them more deadly, resulting in substantial respiratory disease and death loss in the stocker/backgrounder industry. What is largely unrecognized is the effect of a BVD-PI calf on the cow/calf operation where it was born or raised. Infection can cause Continue reading Understanding the BVD Virus

Posted in Health

Beef Herd Expansion Continues Despite Lower Prices

– Dr. Kenny Burdine, Livestock Marketing Specialist, University of Kentucky

USDA’s annual estimate of the number of cattle in the US held some surprises this year.  While this report is typically not a short-term market mover, it has considerable implications in the long-term as we consider the size of the US cowherd.  It was not surprising that the US beef herd grew over the course of 2016, but it did grow at a rate that exceeded most expectations.  According to the report, US beef cow numbers grew by Continue reading Beef Herd Expansion Continues Despite Lower Prices

Increasing Cattle Exports to Mexico and a Little More in the Inventory Report

– David P. Anderson, Professor and Extension Economist,Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

For some months there has been talk of cattle feeders receiving bids for fed cattle from Mexican packers.  Looking at the trade data indicates that slaughter cattle are moving South from South Texas feeders after many years of no trade.  USDA AMS reports weekly cattle imports from and exports to Mexico.  U.S. producers commonly export beef cattle breeding stock to Mexico.  But no slaughter cattle exports were reported from Continue reading Increasing Cattle Exports to Mexico and a Little More in the Inventory Report

Options for Managing Mud in Pastures This Winter

Chris Penrose, Associate Professor and Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, OSU Extension, Morgan County (This is an updated article from one first published in the January, 2017 Progressive Forage magazine)

Most forage livestock producers do not mind the cold temperatures in the winter, nor do most mind some snow. One thing we do mind is the mild, wet weather we have had this winter. I think we all know the stress for us when we are trying to feed in the mud, especially if we get stuck. Whether it is our tractor or our boots, it never is a good experience. What happens when our fields are grazed to the ground and our sod can no longer support the livestock, feeders and equipment? The fields decline rapidly, round bale feeders become “mud magnets” and tire tracks rut fields.

Mud also increases stress for our livestock. For example, Continue reading Options for Managing Mud in Pastures This Winter