– Jeff Fisher, Chris Bruynis, Jeff Moore, and Steve Boyles, Ohio State University Extension (this article first appeared in the January issue of The Ohio Farmer Magazine)
Rain in the late spring through early summer delayed hay harvest in some areas of the state. Additionally there were some high temperatures that caused an increase in the rate of maturity of forages. For example alfalfa grown at 63°F may take 52 days to reach early bloom but only 21 days at 90°F. As forages mature, there is an increase in cell wall content and a decrease in the digestibility of the cell wall. So for some producers, all these factors came together to create the perfect storm and significantly lowered forage quality.
A group of agents in Pike, Ross and Gallia counties worked with forty-seven livestock producers in obtaining hay sample for nutritional analysis this fall. There were a total of eighty-one hay samples collected. The following are Continue reading Hay Quality Determines Supplementation Needs →