– Brooks Warner, OSU Extension Ag and Natural Resources Educator, Scioto County

When given the highest level of management, alfalfa can be our most productive forage. Photo: Osler Ortez.
Alfalfa is known as the queen of forages for its ability to produce incredible amounts of high-protein forage in an array of different environments. Proper management of alfalfa stands can help producers maintain the highest quality and yielding alfalfa for their livestock enterprises. In Ohio, alfalfa thrives in our growing conditions and producers can potentially harvest five times in a growing season. For maximum yield and a healthy alfalfa stand, proper soil fertility is crucial. Soil tests are crucial in understanding which nutrients we are deficient in, and with the price of fertilizer and high-quality alfalfa, it is important to know if we are applying too much or not enough fertilizer.
Soil pH
Highest yielding alfalfa is grown in soil with a pH of 6.7 (Mclean and Brown, 1984). In southeastern Ohio we tend to have low pH soil, so applications of lime are regularly needed.
Soil pH plays a large role in alfalfa stand longevity and plant density. Low pH can have a Continue reading Alfalfa Fertility Needs