Anaplasmosis Diagnosed in Ohio

William Shulaw, Extension Veterinarian, Ohio State University

Anaplasmosis is a disease that does not get a lot of attention in Ohio although I have gotten calls about it about every 2-3 years since I have been in Veterinary Extension (1988). One of my colleagues indicated to me several years ago that he had diagnosed it in at least one Ohio herd as far back as the mid-1970s. We know very little about the prevalence or natural history of the disease in this state, however, it occurs in many states in the southeastern US, the Gulf Coast states, and some regions of the West.

Anaplasmosis is a disease affecting the red blood cells of cattle and is caused by Continue reading Anaplasmosis Diagnosed in Ohio

Posted in Health

What Do We Have to Hide?

John F. Grimes, OSU Extension Beef Coordinator

Nearly every aspect of society is open to the watchful eye of the public for a variety of reasons. Modern media outlets provide 24/7 coverage of the daily issues in a wide variety of formats. Social media venues such as Facebook and Twitter provide almost instantaneous sharing of information whether you need it or not. Groups with a “cause” constantly keep their message in front of the masses.

The American farmer has long been trusted and generally taken for granted as the primary provider of food to satisfy the public’s nutritional needs. However, the glare from the public’s eye has Continue reading What Do We Have to Hide?

An Oat Update: Late Rains Make Forage!

Stan Smith, PA, Fairfield County OSU Extension

This year in Ohio it would seem there were perhaps more oats planted after wheat and into early corn silage harvested acres than in recent memory. Fortunately, the late rains – even though in many cases not abundant – have resulted in excellent yields. Conversations, e-mails and the variety of photos I’ve received support the notion that Continue reading An Oat Update: Late Rains Make Forage!

Posted in Forages