Hay Storage Considerations, A Second Opinion

Stan Smith, PA OSU Extension, Fairfield County

For the first time in years, this past spring I had the opportunity to attend a session of the Ohio FFA Convention. While it brought back a lot of memories from both my early experiences as well as those of our older boys, it was good to see that some new things have been added. In particular I enjoyed walking through the Agriscience Fair displays that have become a part of this annual event.

For the Agriscience Fair, FFA members are invited to conduct a scientific research project pertaining to the agriculture and food science industries and present their findings along with a display and a report to a judge during the first day of the Convention. As we focus on hay storage this week I’ll share one particular project that caught my eye.

For her research project, Emily Dickson, a high school sophomore in the Utica FFA, chose “Hay Covering 101.” During last winter Continue reading Hay Storage Considerations, A Second Opinion

The Value of Competition

John F. Grimes, OSU Extension Beef Coordinator

It is that time of year where the county and state fair season is in full swing in Ohio and around the country. Showing cattle on the county, state, or national level is a tradition for many families as several generations have participated in the show ring “experience” to varying degrees. I am sure that many of you have vivid memories of animals shown and shows attended over the years. As my family returned home from Kansas City, MO last week after participating in the National Junior Angus Show, I started to consider the reasons why families invest considerable time and resources to show cattle.

As a parent and an Extension Educator, I believe there are Continue reading The Value of Competition

A Shift in the Steak Barn: More Than Just Serving a Sandwich!

Stan Smith, Fairfield County PA, OSU Extension

The free market system will ultimately have a significant voice in how our farm animals are managed . . . the bottom line is that our clientele wants to know more about the food we are producing. Those words were shared in this publication a few years ago by John Grimes as he discussed the 2010 agreement that initiated the creation of the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board. Little has changed today in that regard, and little is expected to change anytime soon. With the majority of our consuming public Continue reading A Shift in the Steak Barn: More Than Just Serving a Sandwich!

Tall Buttercup in Pastures

Clif Little, OSU Extension Guernsey County

Beautiful small yellow flowers blanket the pasture in this picture. Blooming throughout the summer and gradually occupying most of this field is a perennial poisonous plant called Tall Buttercup. This plant starts blooming in June and produces many typically bright yellow flowers of 5 or more petals with flowers spreading 3/4 to an inch in width. The leaves are lobed 3 segments at the base of the plant and become more deeply lobed and segmented further up the plant. This forb can grow up to 3 ft. high. Animals avoid Continue reading Tall Buttercup in Pastures

Fly Control Considerations

Rory Lewandowski, OSU Extension Educator Wayne County

Summer weather and increasing fly populations can present management challenges to livestock farms. High fly populations can cause reduced milk production, reduce feed conversion and thus growth on young animals and can expose all cattle age classes to disease organisms. An on-farm fly management program needs to be multi-pronged to keep the fly population at a low level.

Sanitation needs to be the cornerstone of a fly management program. The life cycle of Continue reading Fly Control Considerations

Transporting Cattle

Steve Boyles, OSU Beef Extension Specialist

Hauling cattle is an integral part of most operations. Whether cattle are hauled to the local livestock market or to a different pasture, ensuring that proper transportation practices are used can prevent injury to the cattle. Reducing cattle stress and injury can lead to more profitable operations.

Embedded below is a Continue reading Transporting Cattle

Spiny Pigweed in Pastures

Clif Little, OSU Extension Guernsey County

Spiny amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus), or often referred to as spiny pigweed, is becoming common throughout Ohio. As the name suggests, this plant is armed with two very sharp spines at the base of the leaves at each node. This summer annual species is most often found in livestock feeding areas and corral areas within pastures but it will also occupy hay fields. This weed does well in bare, highly compacted areas where it has little competition. If not controlled, spiny amaranth Continue reading Spiny Pigweed in Pastures

Posted in Forages