– Steve Boyles, OSU Beef Extension Specialist
Net calf crop or number of calves weaned per cow exposed is an important calculation for commercial cow-calf producers. A 9-point system is commonly used to condition score beef cows. The importance of body condition at calving on subsequent reproductive performance has been documented extensively. Cows should have an optimum Body Condition Score (BCS) of 5 to 6 at calving that should be maintained through breeding to ensure optimal reproductive performance. The most important factor influencing pregnancy rate in beef females is body energy reserves at calving. In addition, low energy intake before calving appears to be the major culprit to reduced reproductive performance during the subsequent breeding season. Body condition score is a better indicator of the nutritional program than is body weight.
Calving Interval and Profitability: One of the major constraints in the improvement of reproductive efficiency of beef cows is the postpartum interval (PPI), defined as the period from calving until cows resume estrus activity. Calving interval, defined as the period between the birth of one calf until the birth of the next calf, is significantly affected by the postpartum interval. If a cow is to calve on a 365-day interval, with a 283-day gestation length, she has to conceive within 82 days of calving. It takes approximately 40 days for the uterus of a well managed cow to recover after calving, and this leaves a 42-day window in which to conceive. Cows that Continue reading Body Condition Scoring, Beef Cow Nutrition and Reproduction