Bull Buying Season Strategies

John F. Grimes, OSU Extension Beef Coordinator

You don’t have to look too hard to figure out that we have entered into bull buying season for cow-calf producers. The current cattle market lends a bit more excitement than usual for the commercial cattlemen looking for the sire of their 2013 calf crop. Agricultural media outlets feature numerous advertisements from seedstock producers touting the advantages of their product and the opportunity to purchase through auction or private treaty. It can be an exciting and stressful time to make selections that can impact the herd and bottom line for years to come.

The selection of a herd sire is one of the very most Continue reading Bull Buying Season Strategies

Junk Feed = Thin Cows, Weak Calves!

Stan Smith, PA, OSU Extension, Fairfield County

My cows are eating all they want, and they are full . . . but it appears they keep getting thinner.”

I’ve got some cows that act like they are open.”

My fall born calves seem unthrifty, and some are week. I’ve lost a few.”

I had a cow that could hardly get back up after she calved . . . just seemed weak.”

I just got this forage analysis back . . . it’s not very good, is it?

No, it most cases it’s not. Yet Continue reading Junk Feed = Thin Cows, Weak Calves!