Cattle Fly Control Options

Rory Lewandowski, OSU Extension Educator, Wayne County

Fly control in cattle is about reducing fly populations, not elimination. The goal is to limit the negative economic impact that flies can cause. There are three main fly species that can economically impact pastured cattle and those are the horn fly, the face fly and the stable fly. Horn flies are responsible for significant economic losses. According to Dave Boxler of the University of Nebraska, economic losses associated with the horn fly are estimated at Continue reading Cattle Fly Control Options

Beef Quality Assurance: Storing Vaccines Properly

– Condensed by Steve Boyles, OSU Beef Extension Specialist

Tom R. Troxel, Professor and Associate Department Head Animal Science Arkansas conducted a study on storing store animal health products at the proper temperature. Refrigeration is required for most animal health products (antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, biologicals, vaccinations, etc.). Biological products should be kept under refrigeration between 35 to 45 degrees F unless otherwise advised. Storing animal health products at < 35 degrees F can be more damaging than storing animal health products at > 45 degrees F because Continue reading Beef Quality Assurance: Storing Vaccines Properly

The Quality/Quantity of Hay

Mark Landefeld, OSU Extension Educator, Monroe County

The last few issues have had information about making hay, and yes hay making season has already begun for some Ohio farmers this year. Timely harvest of forage is critical to maintain high quality feeds. The last few years, frequent rain events during much of the spring delayed beginning of hay harvest until the middle of June for many producers. Most varieties of orchardgrass had been headed out for three to four weeks before harvest even began. Many forage analyses I saw of first cutting hay made late June and early July of those years showed low protein content (7% or less) and high acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). Hay of this quality can not meet the nutrient requirements of Continue reading The Quality/Quantity of Hay

Posted in Forages

Cressleaf Groundsel – The Ubiquitous Yellow Weed

– Mark Loux, OSU Extension Weed Specialist

Cressleaf groundsel has been abundant throughout parts of Ohio for a while, but every year a few additional hay producers get to experience it for the first time apparently. We have some resources available online about the biology and control of this weed, and its toxicity to animals. A fact sheet is available in the “Other Weeds’ category on our website,, and a brief video embedded below by OSU Extension Educator Jeff McCutcheon also covers this Continue reading Cressleaf Groundsel – The Ubiquitous Yellow Weed

What Can You Do When a Dog is Threatening Your Livestock?

Caty Daniels, Program Specialist, OSU Agricultural Law and Taxation

For most people, dogs are a very familiar part of the family. For farm families, dogs may even go beyond the family pet duties and help protect the assets of the farm – the livestock. However, when dogs get loose and go after the livestock of someone else, serious problems can arise. Any livestock that is killed or injured by someone else’s dog is a monetary loss, as well as an emotional loss for some. A question we frequently receive is what can someone do if their livestock is threatened or attacked by someone else’s dog. In these cases, livestock owners do have a course of action Continue reading What Can You Do When a Dog is Threatening Your Livestock?