4-H Summer Camp Registrations Due

4-H Summer Camp

4-H Summer Camp is filling fast! We still have space at 4-H Summer Camp, but we are likely to fill camp before the deadline. At the time of this post, we have 17 spots left for boys and 22 spots left for girls. If you want your child(ren) to go to camp, please don’t delay in completing the registration. Regardless of whether we fill or not, registrations are due by Friday, May 20, 2022. Registration information can be found on our Camp Opportunities page.

If you have already signed a child up for camp, please be sure that you have completed the Session Selection Survey and the Camper Health Form. You can find the links for those forms in your confirmation email that you received immediately after you submitted the registration form.


Cloverbud Day Camp

Cloverbud Day Camp is now full. If you missed getting your child(ren) registered, we have started a wait list. Please email Adrienne at anderson.1410@osu.edu with the name(s) of your child(ren) to be added to the wait list.

If you have already registered your child(ren) for Cloverbud Day Camp, please be sure that you have completed the Cloverbud Camper Health Form. The link to this form can be found in the confirmation email that you received immediately after you submitted the registration form.

4-H Summer Camp and Cloverbud Day Camp Update

4-H Summer Camp

4-H Summer Camp is filling fast! We still have space at 4-H Summer Camp, but we are likely to fill camp before the deadline. At the time of this post, we have 23 spots left for boys and 33 spots left for girls. If you want your child(ren) to go to camp, please don’t delay in completing the registration. Registration information can be found on our Camp Opportunities page.

If you have already signed a child up for camp, please be sure that you have completed the Session Selection Survey and the Camper Health Form. You can find the links for those forms in your confirmation email that you received immediately after you submitted the registration form.

If you are planning to submit a camp scholarship application, please remember that those are due May 13, 2022.


Cloverbud Day Camp

Cloverbud Day Camp is now full. If you missed getting your child(ren) registered, we have started a wait list. Please email Adrienne at anderson.1410@osu.edu with the name(s) of your child(ren) to be added to the wait list.

If you have already registered your child(ren) for Cloverbud Day Camp, please be sure that you have completed the Cloverbud Camper Health Form. The link to this form can be found in the confirmation email that you received immediately after you submitted the registration form.

4-H Summer Camp and Cloverbud Day Camp Registration Information

4-H Summer Camp and Cloverbud Day Camp registration information is available on our Camp Opportunities page. Camp registrations will remain open until May 20, 2022 or until we reach capacity. Should we reach capacity, please reach out to Lisa McCutcheon (4-H Summer Camp) or Adrienne Anderson (Cloverbud Day Camp) as we will start a wait list at that point.

4-H Summer Camp


  • Registration information is posted on our Camp Opportunities page: https://licking.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/camp-opportunities
  • Registration will take place online. It will consist of three parts: Registration, Super Session Selection, and completion of Health Form.
  • You will complete the registration first. Once that has been submitted, you will receive an email confirming your registration. That email will contain links to two additional surveys. The first will be a Session Selection Survey. The second will be the Camper Health Form. PLEASE ensure that you type your email address correctly in the registration as these emails will be sent automatically within minutes of its completion. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your junk/spam folder.
  • Once you complete the Registration, your child’s spot at camp is confirmed. Even though Super Sessions will fill, it is not vital that you immediately complete the Super Session Survey and Camper Health Form.
  • Youth are NOT required to be enrolled as a Licking County 4-H member to attend. Camp is open to 4-H members from other counties as well as those who aren’t involved in 4-H. PLEASE NOTE: non-Licking County 4-H members have an additional $10 fee added to their registration.
  • We do not want the cost of camp to be a hindrance for any youth to attend camp. If your family has a financial need to help your child(ren) attend camp, please complete a Camp Scholarship Application. Youth must be enrolled as a Licking County 4-H Member to be eligible for a Camp Scholarship. These applications are due by Friday, May 13, 2022 and can be found by clicking HERE.


  • When completing the registration, you will have three options to choose from for payment:
    • Pay by credit card through our online payment portal (Nelnet)
    • Pay with cash or check in our office
    • Defer payment for now by submitting a Camp Scholarship Application (due May 13, 2022)
  • The fee for summer camp registration is $215 per camper. Thanks to a VERY generous donation from The Licking County Farm Bureau, all campers will receive a $20 discount to their camp fee, bringing the cost of each camper down to $195. Non-Licking County 4-H youth fee will be $205.
  • Children of active Licking County Farm Bureau members have the option to receive an additional $50 discount per child, bringing their camp fee down to $145. PLEASE NOTE: the parent of the child must be an active Licking County Farm Bureau member. You will need to enter your membership number during the registration process, so have your membership card ready. Grandparent, aunt/uncle, friend, etc. membership numbers are not eligible for this discount.

Session Selection:

  • You will need to complete the session selection survey for each youth attending summer camp.
  • Please review the session list HERE. We suggest you have your child make selections of which sessions they wish to attend before you start the session selection process. All sessions have a limit as to how many can attend, so please have multiple options selected for each session slot in case your child’s first preference is already full when you complete this step.
  • Some sessions have an additional fee. Once you complete the session selection, you will be automatically redirected to the Nelnet site to pay for any session fees. All session fees will be paid in advanced; no session fees will be collected during check-in at camp.


Cloverbud Day Camp


  • Registration information is posted on our Camp Opportunities page: https://licking.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/camp-opportunities
  • Registration will take place online. It will consist of two parts: Registration and Health Form.
  • You will complete the registration first. Once that has been submitted, you will receive an email confirming your registration. That email will contain and additional link to complete the Camper Health Form. PLEASE ensure that you type in your email address correctly as these emails will be sent automatically from the registration within minutes of its completion. If you do not receive your email, please check your junk/spam folder.
  • Youth are NOT required to be enrolled as a Licking County 4-H Cloverbud to attend. Camp is open to 4-H members from other counties as well as those who aren’t enrolled in 4-H. PLEASE NOTE: non-Licking County 4-H members have an additional $5 fee for their registrations.


  • When completing the registration you will have two options to choose from for payment. You can pay by credit card through our online payment portal (Nelnet) or pay by cash or check in our office.
  • The fee for Cloverbud Day Camp is $40 per camper. Non-Licking County 4-H Cloverbud members fee will be $45.

2022 4-H Enrollment Information

It is time to start 4-H enrollment for 2022! Enrollments are due April 1, 2022.

Your login credentials are the same as last year. If you have forgotten your password, please use the Reset Password option to reset your password. If you no longer have access to the email account you used last year, please email me so I can update your family profile.

Instructions on how to log in and enroll can be found on the How to Join 4-H page here: https://licking.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/how-join-4-h.  Scroll down to the instructions for RETURNING Families. There are step-by-step instructions that you can view and print, a tip sheet, and a video.

Once you have reviewed the instructions, visit oh.4honline.com to login and enroll. Please note that the site works best in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Please ensure that you are at the 4HOnline 2.0 site and have not traversed to the old site. Please note: If you search for 4HOnline through a search engine, often the first option that populates is the old site. Please make sure that the login screen looks like this:

A few things to note:

  • If anyone in your family has been enrolled in 4-H anywhere in Ohio since 2014, you will have a family profile. If you have trouble accessing your family profile, please DO NOT create a new one. Contact Adrienne (anderson.1410@osu.edu) and she will help you get access to your existing profile.
  • If you have a family member who has “skipped” a year or two of 4-H, their profile may have been archived. Please contact Adrienne and let her know to reactivate the profile. Please DO NOT create a new profile. We want to utilize the existing profile for each member as all of their 4-H history is attached to the original profile.
  • Please take the time to review each member’s profile as you enroll them to ensure ALL the information is there and correct. Please update any contact information that may have changed since last year.
  • Please be sure that all projects are included and correct BEFORE you submit an enrollment. You will NOT be able to make changes to club/project enrollment once you click the Submit button. If you are not able to complete the enrollment in one sitting or are trying to decide on projects, the system will save each page of progress. You can leave that enrollment and come back to it later. Once you have submitted your enrollment, any changes regarding club and project enrollment will need to be made through Adrienne.
  • Once you submit an enrollment, it will be listed as “awaiting review” until it is reviewed at the county level. It will either be approved or will be sent back to you if there is something that needs fixed.
  • If you select a livestock, horse, dog, or shooting sports project the system will ask you to electronically sign the consent for those projects. This will replace the paper consent forms that were required for those project areas in the past.
  • Cloverbud members should select either project #715 My 4-H Cloverbud year for their enrollment.
  • Those joining the Licking County 4-H Band should select COP-Arts 1900 Performing Arts – 4-H Band for their project. It will be listed towards the end of the project list with the other County Only Projects (COP).

2021 Hartford Fair Princess for a Day Program

Purpose: The idea behind this program is to allow 4-H Cloverbuds at the Hartford Fair the opportunity to experience a day in the life of a royalty member and step in to the footsteps of their role models. We hope that this opportunity also gives them a way to flourish as future leaders and 4-H members, much like the Pee Wee showmanship classes!

Who: Girls ages 5 – 8 who are enrolled as 4-H Cloverbuds during the 2021 program year (Kindergarten through 2nd grade) and are eligible for participation in the Hartford Fair.

How are they selected? A Google survey form has been created to obtain key information such as name, age, parents contact information, and days that they are available during the fair. Parents are asked to submit their entry through the online form, with the link being shared through the Hartford Fair Facebook page. Participants will be selected at random after all entries are in which are due August 4th. We plan to select two princesses for each day (Sunday through Friday), in order to keep it manageable this first year. Deadline for applying for this opportunity will be August 4th.

What will they do? Selected youth will be contacted just after the deadline in order to make arrangements to dates and times. Upon arriving to the grounds on their special day, the girls will be given both a sash and tiara to wear on throughout the day. Each Princess will be encouraged to make her way throughout the grounds (with parent supervision), but also have time during the day to shadow the 2021 Hartford Fair King and Queen, and learn more about what they do during a typical day at the fair.

How we will spread the news: In an effort to promote this program, royalty coordinator Morgan McCutcheon will hold a Facebook live segment on the Hartford Fair Facebook page to explain the new program. At that time, the link to the registration survey will also be shared.  Additionally, we plan to distribute details through the weekly 4-H Blog family email.

Potential: With this year being the first year, we will accept only the first twelve registrations. This will allow us to offer the program on a smaller scale in it’s initial year, and determine what changes are needed for future years. There is certainly potential to grow the program to allow more girls to participate – and also to obtain sponsors who would be interested in supporting the program.

For additional information, contact:

Morgan McCutcheon, Royalty Coordinator

mccutcheon.88@buckeyemail.osu | 740.616.0311

2021 Cloverbot Challenge

It’s time for the 2021 4-H Cloverbot Challenge! All clubs with Cloverbuds are encouraged to participate!

This year we’re going to space and the challenge happens on Mars! Cloverbuds will design a place to live on the Red Planet and create a model featuring their method of transportation. The 4-H Cloverbot Challenge will be virtual via Zoom on Monday, July 12 or Thursday, July 22 from 6:30-8 p.m. All teams must register by June 30 and new teams can order a kit to help them get started at a reduced rate thanks to support from the Ohio 4-H Foundation.

Find all the details here and blast-off for your Cloverbot Challenge!

Cloverbuds in the Kitchen

There is a great new article in the Cloverbud Connection about getting your Cloverbuds to help you in the kitchen. Enjoy a great recipe for chocolate chip cookies and discuss the importance of proper nutrition with MyPlate. You can read the entire article here.

4-H Cloverbot Challenge Goes Virtual!

With the new restrictions on programming in June, the Ohio 4-H program has shifted gears and will now be offering the Ohio 4-H Cloverbot Challenge for all Cloverbuds to participate individually instead of as a team/club – no registration required. Individual Cloverbuds can construct their models with LEGO’s or whatever kind of interlocking blocks they have available. Then they can send a picture for display in a virtual gallery on the state 4-H website. A certificate will also be emailed to each participant. The deadline is June 13, 2020. All the details can be found at the website: https://ohio4h.org/families/cloverbuds/cloverbot-challenge